de seneste bedømmelser, som vi har modtaget tilbage fra vore mange rejsende ryttere. Evalueringerne er som oftest udført ved at udfylde et skema og give karakterer efter følgende enkle pointskala:
Evalueringspunkterne er skrevet på engelsk, så vi kan dele bedømmelserne med vore partnere rundt omkring i verden og sammen hele tiden arbejde for at forbedre kundernes oplevelser.
Bedømmelserne er lagt op uredigerede og dækker naturligvis kundens personlige opfattelse. Kritiske kommentarer eller bedømmelser bydes velkommen, tages altid meget seriøst og gøres til genstand for granskning sammen med vores partner med henblik på at forbedre kundens oplevelse. I enkelte tilfælde er vi uenige i en given bedømmelse efter vores granskning - det skal der også være plads til.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Helt igennem fantastisk tur - det smukkeste land, gode trygge heste, vidunderlig mad og de sødeste sødeste mennesker. 2 års indestængt rejselyst, der blev forløst på sublim vis:-)
Kirsten S.J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastisk tur, med autentiske opplevelser. Stødige gode hester, kunnskapsrike guider. Det å bo hjemme hos folk, og virkelig komme litt på innsiden av Albania var interessant og lærerikt. En tur jeg gjerne gjør igjen!
Drude I.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Emma D.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
En resa som överträffar alla förväntningar! Fantastiska små hästar, starka, välnärda och roliga att rida. Otroligt kunnig guide som förutom att hon var skicklig och fin med hästarna, trevlig och rolig också var mycket kunnig i historia och "ägde" verkligen kunskapen om området vi red i. Bästa resa jag gjort hittills och jag rekommenderar den varmt!
Bodil R.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hej. Jeg havde en helt fantastisk tur. Gode heste, søde folk og en helt eventyrlig natur. Jeg er klar til at tage afsten igen, og helst i morgen ....
Hilsen Karsten
Albanien er efter min mening et både overset og undervurderet land. Det har været helt fantastisk at opleve landet, der ikke mindst historisk og kulturelt har meget at byde på, samt en befolkning der er imødekommende, interesserede og meget hjælpsomme. Arrangørerne/guiderne i Albanien er rigtigt søde og opmærksomme og logistikken fungerede perfekt. Zagoria trailen blev afviklet i en storslået natur, der kræver en 'fit' rytter, der ikke har noget imod højder og som gerne vil udfordres af en blanding af både tempo og klatring. Jeg har haft fantastiske oplevelser og smukke udsigter i et bjergrigt og afvekslende terræn og var samtidigt begunstiget af suverænt vejr. - Det kunne ikke være bedre. Jeg har været ovenud begejstret for min tur og de dejlige heste, der er omgængelige, stærke og usædvanligt sikre på benene, - både når de klatrer op og ned. Ud af 6 stjerner lander Zagoria trailen på 7* :-) Absolut anbefalelsesværdig!
Jeg var på trail i Albanien i uge 42 2014. Det var en stor oplevelse. Ridningen var en stor og meget speciel oplevelse på de små, seje lokale heste. Det var ikke den store dressur oplevelse, men til gengæld var det nogle "bjerggeder", som klatrede næsten lodret op og ned med os. Hestene var utroligt sikre på benene og valgte nøje vejen op. Ridningen foregik i et bjergrigt område med smuk og vild natur, men vi red også gennem små hyggelige lokale landsbyer og forbi gamle kirker, besøgte et sufi-kloster osv. Indkvarteringen var fin. Specielt indkvarteringerne i private hjem i to landsbyer var spændende. Værterne gjorde meget for at jeg skulle føle mig hjemme. Det var spændende at høre om deres liv. Specielt det ene sted fik jeg også fantastisk mad af lokale råvarer.Guiderne var gæstfri og meget optagede af, at jeg fik en god oplevelse.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg havde en fantastisk rejse og trail, som langt oversteg mine forventninger mange gange. Trailen er et rigtig eventyr, hvor man ser meget smuk natur og kommer tæt på den lokale befolkning. Guiderne er meget professionelle og venlige. Traileren er fysisk hård, man skal være i god form og en erfaren rytter og man skal være åben for og anerkendende af, at Albanien stadig er et land i udvikling. Når det er sagt, er trailen en oplevelse for livet. Det er en trail, der udfordrer ens fysiske og mentale grænser på den gode måde, og det er perfekt til eventyreren, som gerne vil opleve naturen, lokalbefolkningen og et smuk land i udvikling. Trailen er yderst veltilrettelagt, udfordrende og spændende, hestene er fantastiske, maden er lækker og overnatningen er god. Jeg fik god service og hurtig respons fra HippoTours på alle mine spørgsmål inden rejsen. Alt i alt en kæmpe oplevelse!
Vh Anna
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi var ikke på en ranch :)
Liselotte N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Är helnöjd med resan hade en av de bästa hästarna jag ridit på en ridresan en häst med lite tempo. Längtar tillbaka.
Johanna S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dina kommentarer är mycket välkomna: Perfekt hela vägen. Bra vid bokning då vi fick god hjälp att hitta vår resa. Alltid snabba svar vid frågor. På plats har allt varit underbart!
Sandra o Sandra
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Maden var ok - og køkken damerne meget søde. Generelt bør de se på gruppen mht alder og køn ift mængder af mad - jeg syntes der ofte var for lidt . Drikkevarerne fungerede fint . Lejrene fungerede godt - badeforhold/varmt og koldt vand /toilet forhold fungerede også rigtigt godt. Alt personale super søde og opmærksomme på os alle.
Jeg kan varmt anbefale turen, mega stor oplevelse .
Morten B.H
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
SIKKE EN MAGISK REJSE!!!! Jeg er SLET SLET ikke landet mentalt endnu!!!!!! Det har været den vildeste, smukkeste og mest storslåede oplevelse!! Tak for Dream Come True for en hestepige!!!
Kristina M.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jag hade stora förhoppningar om denna resa men de överträffades på alla plan. Ridningen - långa, långa galopper i ett guld paradis (hela marken blommade efter regnet veckan innan vi kom) där giraffer, gnuer, zebror, vårtsvin - och de fantastiska elefanterna plötsligt dyker upp runt dig. Det var overkligt. "Min" fina roliga häst, de många timmarna i sadeln, värmen, guiderna, boendet, personalen och de andra gästerna, maten - det var faktiskt helt grymt. Passade mig perfekt.
Anna E.
Hej June
Vi vil sige dig tak for din assistance med denne rejse. Det var en fantastisk tur. Hestene var gode og veltrænede, guiderne var rigtig gode. Tillidsvækkende, meget vidende om dyr, planter, områdets historie mv.
Til hest foregik alt i skridt eller galop. Ikke noget med trav. Det blev forklaret med, at normalt var gæsterne ikke tilstrækkeligt trænede i trav, hvilket derfor var for hårdt for hestene. Jeg synes nu, at man godt kunne have gjort forsøget.
Campene var fine, særligt Kotla hvor vi overnattede under åben himmel 2 nætter var rigtig god og spændende.
Forplejning og service under turen var så god som man kunne ”drømme” om.
Maria og Preben
Jeg deltog i denne tur i Tuli regionen og kan varmt anbefale turen.
Selve turen var meget velorganiseret med virkelig gode heste. "Cor", som var guiden, var dygtig, professionel og et meget behageligt menneske. Louise var ikke med på selve turen, men vi mødte hende ved starten og slutningen af turen. Hun var meget åben og hjælpsom og meget seriøs med træningen og pasningen af hestene.
En vidunderlig tur med mange fantastiske ride- og naturoplevelser.
Helt fantastisk tur - det blev lidt hårdere end beregnet da vi blev opgraderet til Tuli explorer - men det var det ømme knæ og ryg værd - jeg er gået I skarp træning til næste tur og har allerede påbegyndt en opsparing :-) BEDSTE ferie ever - TAK June
Det har været en skøn tur til Sydafrika og Botswana og det var langt over forventning.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Maten de första dagarna i Camp Davidson var underbart god, lagad av kocken Maria. Tyvärr hölls inte samma mått i Botswana. Därav endast en 4.a Jag blev dock väldigt fint uppvaktad på min födelsedag med både bubbel, tårta och sång.
Eva K.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Helt fantastisk tur - det blev lidt hårdere end beregnet da vi blev opgraderet til Tuli explorer - men det var det ømme knæ og ryg værd - jeg er gået I skarp træning til næste tur og har allerede påbegyndt en opsparing :-) BEDSTE ferie ever - TAK June
5=udmærket men det er ikke nok til at beskrive, hvad vi oplevede. Det var fantastisk. Vi sender de varmeste anbefalinger til denne tur. Man er 100% tryg ved det hele, service og modtagelse på de forskellige fazendaer var super, som om man var i familie og så var der rent over det hele. Hestene var helt specielle, så sikre at ride så selv min gamle mor kunne ha gjort det. Paul, vores guide, var så opmærksom på alt, skulle hele tiden sikre sig, at vi havde det godt. Hans hjælpere, gauchoerne, kunne han ikke ha valgt bedre. Jeg kan slet ikke få armene ned igen, det var så fedt. Jeg vil virkelig gerne tilbage om et par år.
Dina og Jørgen
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Allan R.
Vi syntes alle tre at det var en fantastisk tur, og de 4-taller vi har
givet betyder virkelig very god. Vi syntes ikke der er noget som
kunne have været bedre, måske bortset fra at de kører noget vildt
set med danske øjne.
Vilken fantastisk vecka vi hade!
Värdarna var mycket måna om att vi skulle ha det bra och gav oss 110%.
Bulgariens natur är väldigt vacker med härliga ridvägar, och det finns inga
staket någonstans.
Hästarna var mycket fina, välskötta och trevliga att rida samt att de gick
bra tillsammans som grupp. Inkvarteringen var varierande i standard men det
var rent och fräscht på alla ställen. Gården var vi bara på en kort stund
dag 2 eftersom vi sov på olika ställen under veckan. Maten var riklig med
fräscha råvaror och det var jättekul att prova olika Bulgariska
Turen var betydeligt bedre end jeg forventede mig. Meget venlig værtsfamilie, vidunderlige heste, både smukke og velafrettede. Naturen var vældigt skøn og varieret. Fin, fin ridning, kanon mad. Det eneste vi kan ha synspunkter på er vejret som var lidt for varmt...
Tusind tak for en af de bedste ferier jeg nogensinde har haft.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Fantastisk god tur, som jeg kun kan anbefale. Jeg har været på flere ture og dette var noget af det bedste. Fantastiske heste, høj sikkerhed og gode lokale guider. Jeg synes hjemmesiden mangler nogle bedre billeder, som sælger turen bedre. Sig til hvis du vil have nogle.
Anne B.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
Rejsen overgik langt over mine forventninger. Så fine og dygtige heste og søde mennesker. De største anbefalinger herfra.
Sarah D.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
the guides José, Stanley, Jorge and Kennet and the company by Fabio were so warm and welcoming. and what a country! so beautiful. the two weeks just flew by. we heartily recommend this ride!
Gro T
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi är otroligt nöjda med resan och aktiviteterna i sin helhet. Över förväntan. Verkligen. Några reflektioner dock. Maten var tråkig och enahanda på cerro lodge. Men nyttig. Wi-Fi saknades på rummet på cerro lodge. Som nybörjare var det lite för tufft med tre riddagar på raken. Resultat: mycket ömmande bakdel. ;-) Vår guide och vår hotellpersonal var top of the top. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jennifer & Carin
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
The tour exceeded our expectations! We were pleased with all the help and friendly faces we met during our trip - we have no complaints at all! Our guide Allan Padilla showed us Costa Rica in the best possible way.. and we owe him at big THANK YOU, for all the positive energy and experiences that he gave us!
Christina A.J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Marta R., 2019
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Lite mycket transporter under resan, lite tråkigt att inte bo på ranchen. Cerro Lodge var dock toppenbra. Boendet i Arenal var inget vidare. Toppenbra guide, Roberto. Även övrig personal var mycket trevliga.
Christina P.
Jag är över lag väldigt nöjd med ridturen och kan varmt rekommendera den. Det hade varit spännande att få lära sig lite mer om hur (om?) hästarna används i arbetet på en boskapsranch i dag. Att sedan det costaricanska köket verkar vara rätt tråkigt, i alla fall för mina smaklökar, rår ju inte turarrangören för.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Underbar resa med många upplevelser. Emma gör ett riktigt bra jobb och våra guider var fantastiska! Hotellet i Luxor var otroligt fint, men när vi kom till Hurghada blev vi rejält besvikna då hotellet och servicen var under all kritik. Emma ordnade dock genast så att vi fick flytta till ett annat hotell som var toppen! Hästarna var väl omhändertagna och härliga att rida och det var magiskt att galoppera i öknen. Det enda jag skulle vilja lämna som konstruktiv kritik är att jag hade önskat mer ridning. På det stora hela är jag väldigt nöjd med resan.
Karin L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
Inger T.
Back in Sweden after a fantastic holiday. Fell totally in love with Cornwall. Thanks to Tom, Jen and Dan for the hospitality and guiding at Hallagenna Riding – and to Kia and Lucy who made our rides so amazing!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Sonja D.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastiskt ställe m ett underbart värdpar. Superb mat. Fina trygga hästar, vilka sköttes om väldigt bra. Vi är supernöjda...
Yvonne Ö.
En virkelig vellykket ferie med søde værter og fantastiske heste. Vi følte os i gode hænder. Husk at gøre opmærksom på at man først spiser aftensmad ved 20.30-21.00 tiden. Vi ankom ca 17.00 og troede vi skulle spise kl ca 18.00. Tak for hjælpen med at finde et godt sted.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 2
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Inge H.
Vill bara berätta att vistelsen på Moulin Vieux var mycket trevlig och bra. Ridningen över de böljande landskapet var toppen. Fina harmoniska hästar och trevliga instruktörer och värdpar. Maten var traditionell lantlig riklig och toppengod.
Mycket intensiv men fantastisk ridupplevelse. Fysiskt ganska krävande, särskilt som vi hade det mycket varmt. En hel del klättring med hästarna. Man ska vara medveten om att det är ganska enkelt, logi i sovsalar, maten men ett härligt liv med hästarna från morgon till kväll. En total ridupplevelse i fantastiska omgivningar. Språket fungerade ganska bra och man försökte tala engelska så gott det gick.
Helt fantastisk resa! Otroligt mycket ridning och hästar för pengarna, storslagen natur och härlig stämning. Magiskt duktiga hästar som klättrar genom till synes omöjliga passager utan problem. Kan vara värt att nämna att matservering, disk och liknande sköts kollektivt. Sovstandard halvdan. Tack vare slump klarade vi oss trots dålig franska men man kan nog inte räkna med att tas emot på engelska. Men överlag: bästa resan jag gjort!
Hel fantastisk ridning: hästarna, vyerna, hela turen var toppen! Man satsade allt på ridturen, lite mindre på mat och inte mycket på övernattningskomfort. Det blir trevligare om man kan franska - annars får man ha tur att resesällskapet kan och är intrsserade av att prata lite engelska ibland. Man får också vara beredd att sova i mycket enkla stora sovsalar med 16 andra. Jag skulle gärna göra det igen!
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Det kan være lidt svært at gebærde sig i Frankrig, når man ikke taler fransk, så det gav lidt udfordringer, da ingen på ranchen talte særlig godt engelsk
Pernille S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Lone S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Detta var tredje resan med hippotours och jag rekommenderar alltid dessa resor! Äventyr och kvalitet Bes hästar och beskrivningar som stämmer bra med verkligheten Den oguidade turen till Frankrike fick mig övertygad om att skaffa egen häst. Det ultimata testet. Fantastiska hästar och vackra omgivningar
Lisen W.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
Ranchen var virkelig dejlig, naturen vidunderlig, og det allerbedste var den totalt afslappede og laid back stemning omkring service, man var ikke turist man var gæst på dagligdagens præmisser, man hjalp til hvis man havde lyst og der var tillid og omsorg for hestene.
Väldigt rolig och fin semester. Engagerade och välkomnande värdar (Amelie och Olivia). Mycket trevlig grupp att rida med. Fantastiska hästar, god ordning, goda startinstruktioner kring rutter, kartor mm.
Fantastiskmresa. Jag har redan rekommenderat andra att titta på er sida. Mitt livs absolut bästa semester
Riktigt trevliga hästar. Min häst för veckan Chabel vill jag gärna ta med mig hem till Sverige.....Jag har för övrigt aldrig galopperat så mycket under en veckas tid som denna vecka. Hästarna var härliga och väl tränade för uppgiften......Summa sumarum: jag har under denna vecka upplevt något jag aldrig upplevt förut, härlig ridning och vacker fransk natur. Morvan passar oss nordbor med ett lite kyligare klimat än övriga Frankrike.
Selve rideturen var super fed - det var enormt lækkert at kunne ride for sig selv og ikke i den klassiske tur-ridning-række hvor hesten traver når den foran gør det. SUPER FEDT! Rent natur mæssigt havde nogle flere galop-stræk været at foretrække, men det giver jo sig selv når man tager ud i bjergene (: Hestene var også helt i top - selvstændig og med gang i uden at være ustyrlige. Dog ikke de højeste heste, hvis det er det man foretrækker.
Det har været det vildeste eventyr og en tur med fuld fart på.. Vejret var heldigvis i top så jeg fik fuld udbytte af det hele. Top skønne heste, der var fremadgående og ville rigtig gerne ligge forrest. Masser og jeg mener masser af tempo, en tur der kræver fuld fokus hele dagen. Skøn mad og hyggelige overnatnings steder,,super søde mennesker der var med fra gården. (en fordel hvis man kan tale lidt fransk). En tur jeg godt kunne tage på igen uden problemer
Turen var helt topp, bortsett fra været. 12 grader og regn mye av tida. Men selv med det været, er det den mest spennende og utfordrende rideferien jeg har vært på.
Lange, supre galopper, fantastiske hester, god mat osv. Guiden vår var rolig, hyggelig og kjente hestene godt. Gruppen besto av 8 personer, og det var bare to av dem som ikke behersket engelsk så godt. Så språkmessig fungerte det bra nok. Guiden snakket rimelig bra engelsk, godt nok :-)
Takk for super ferie som det skal mye til å matche, ridemessig.
Laila og Wenche
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Everything lived up to expectations. Really good horse! Sweet people. Only Michel's wife, Anne, was bad at speaking French - and only French. Everyone else made an effort to communicate. A nice trip!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Det var andre gang jeg var å red her hos Michel og Anett. Kommer garantert tilbake, veldig hyggelige mennesker og hester!
Veronica P.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
Birgitte L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Det var en helt fantastisk tur! Michel og Anette er utroligt gæstfri. Michel er en meget dygtig guide og rideinstruktør, hvis man gerne vil have nogle tips. Hestene er skønne, - og de går fuldstændigt uafhængigt af hinanden; også når der galoperes. Endelig er naturen vidunderlig! Jeg skal helt sikkert tilbage og opleve Perigord-trailen. Og June gav som sædvanligt gode råd, så jeg landede på den helt rigtige tur. Alle rejsedokumenter og informationer kom med det samme - meget professionelt.
Lisbet I.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg er fornøyd. Topp tur. Flotte hester. Mye variasjon. Hyggelige folk.
Susanne H.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
den bedste ridning nogensinde :-) Fantastisk rideterræn. Guiden, Anthony, var i særklasse og tempoet helt perfekt til os :-) Dog to ting: 1. Vi blev ikke hentet i lufthavnen til aftalt tid. Ikke imponeret over Annetts måde at håndtere den situation ! 2. Vi sov hver nat i Mimizan så vi blev kørt en del i minibus. Det var vi ikke blevet informeret om. Ingen rengøring eller rene håndklæder på værelset hele ugen! (og ingen støvsuger eller lign. som vi selv kunne bruge)
Helle H.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Rikke D.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hans N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Den mest fantastiske tur jeg har været på. Rigtig gode og godt skolede heste, Fantastisk guide ( Michel) god mad og rigtig gode overnatning steder. Fås ikke bedre.
Mvh. Erik A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Sagolik tur ! Många timmars ridning . Fysiskt krävande . Pigga hästar . Michel och Anna fantastiskt värdpar !
Arja H
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Everything was very good. Fantastic riding, very good leader with great pedagogic skills, lovely horse. I had great fun and I learnt a lot.
Karin B.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Otroligt mycket ridning vilket var precis vad vi ville ha! Fick en riktigt piggelin till häst som tidigare varit kapplöpningshäst! Du bör vara riktigt hästvan på denna trail. Långa dagar i sadeln och långa härliga galopper. Mycket god mat ffa när vi bodde på boendet i Bonaguil. Michel var mycket mån om både oss och sina hästar. Anette gjorde sitt yttersta för oss.
Kristin S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Erik A. S.
This ride was absolute HEAVEN. I will remember every moment the rest of my life. The scenery was spectacular. There were flowers EVERYWHERE and the air smelled like a perfumery. Swans adorned all the rivers and roses draped over 15th century walls. We rode through ancient forests and past miles of vineyards and wheat fields. The horses were fantastic and our guide, Anne, not only did a truly exceptional job organizing the perfect tour, she was an amazing historian of the area. Then there was gourmet food every day, lovely wines, and exquisite castles to visit. I cannot say enough good things about this trip. GO, GO, GO!!!!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vh Lise B. Norge
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Karin H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Rigtig dejlig rideferie, men de skønneste værter!
Cassandra K.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Fantastisk værtspar. Vi havde nogle fantastiske rideture. Gourmet mad - grønlandsk mad med et tvist. Et spændende indblik i grønlandsk kultur fortalt af værtsparet. Prøvning af nationaldragt - fantastisk. Det eneste minus var, at der ikke stod shorts på pakkelisten. :) TUSIND tak for en fantastisk tur der var alle pengene værd.
Annette N. B.
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Vi hadde en helt fantastisk tur!!! Nydelig vertskap, fantastiske rideturer, enerom, god tid til avslapning og ingen stress! I tillegg til rideturene, fikk vi guiding blant vikingeruiner, båttur og en utrolig buggy-tur oppi fjellet!! De har ansatt egen kokk i år, og vi fikk smake masse god mat fra Grønland!! Utrolig bra!!! Vi var en gruppe på 5 personer, og vi gikk godt sammen. Ingen klaging, alle var hjelpsomme og imponerte over både landskap, vertskap, hestene og hele opplegget!!
Tusen takk for oss!! Vi skryter av turen og Hippo Tours til alle som vil høre på ;)
Mvh Mona og Jorunn (2023)
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Camilla G. (2022)
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Kirsten S. (2022)
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception:
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 2
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Grønland er så smuk, at det gør næsten ondt. Dejlige heste og selv om vi kun var var 6 ryttere, var der 2 guider med, som var søde og meget hjælpsomme. Turene var helt fantastiske. Ridning på Grønland er nyt, så forvent ikke meget, hvad angår indkvartering og mad. Det er bestemt naturen, hestene og turene, som giver den store oplevelse. At sidde til frokost og spise sin fladtrykte madpakke , som er rugbrød med rullepølse og se udover en blå fjord med isbjerge, og se indlandsisen i baggrund, samtidig med at man kan høre hestene gumle i det grønne græs, det er da bare lykke.
Vh Birgit H. (2019)
profesjonelt. vennlige mennesker,god mat. godt ivaretatt gjennom hele oppholdet.
Jørgen W.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Ann-Marie A.N.
Very good trip, with nice people and incredible horses. I''ll definitely recommend this trip.
Resans namn: Ring of Kerry Irland short trail IE 702
Vänligen värder din resa enligt:
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastisk resa med underbar ridning och proffsigt stall. Jag kommer troligtvis göra om detta med flera dagars ridning.
Carina B.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Allt var fantastiskt! Mycket bra hästar och guider. Väldigt fina ritter i fantastisk miljö med boende på jättefina små hotell.
Helena S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Takk til june😊faaantastisk. Reiser gjerne igjen😊😁hilsen ingerlise
Ingerlise V
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Flotte trygge hester Tidvis litt mye ridning langs vei kan bli kjedelig. Pga været/storm ble ridningen litt endret (en veldig kort dag, ikke svømming med hester og ikke tur ut til en øy - dette kan ingen noe for!!=) men det reduserte nok opplevelsen litt for meg). Hyggelige turledere, veldig god mat. Kunne ønsket litt info om hele uken i forkant av ridningen men det gikk jo greit fra dag til dag. Uvandt for meg med så stor gruppe da jeg stort sett har vært på turer med 3 - 5 personer men det fungerte bra=). Som alltid veldig fornøyd med informasjon og oppfølgingen fra Hippo Tours, takk:-)!!
Lena M.
How was the reception:
How was the instruction:
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg er blevet total forelsket i Connemara. Smuk natur. Velopdragne, gode heste, som er villige og sikre på benene. Udfordrende ridt på stenede stier og gennem moser. Dejlige galoper på stranden. Alletiders rideguide. Indkvartering på gode BB og masser af god mad. Jeg vender helt sikkert tilbage.
Birgit H.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 2
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Reception was not very informative nor welcoming as one would expect from the explanations and information on Hippo tours website. We were handed horses by a big road (to where they arrived by lorry with the horsemen) at random and no-one bothered to ask if we had everything we needed, no instruction regarding the horses and not even a check on the girths. So poor welcoming and instruction. Accomodation was mixed but the Zetland hotel was amazing and lifted the rest! I would not call the lunch a lunch but rather some bread with cheese and if lucky a slice of ham. Breakfast and dinner were usually very nice. The riding itself was incredible in the mountains and on the beach but quite a lot of road riding which is not a personal favorite. All in all Ireland was amazing and Willie is a true personality. The horses were incredible and if I could , I would have brought mine with me. However, if I were you, I would lower people''s expectations on the organization and logistics. Especially not say that the starting point is a "short" ride from Galway - it is 2h.. I would go again and I really loved the experience as a whole, since it was so old fashioned and raw, but the words and information on your website needs some updating. Thank you
Kind regards Helene
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hanna L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: It was really helpfull booking the tour with Hippo Tours through June. She was very nice and coordinates everything from moving the trip, accommodation to other family members joining. Thank you very much. We had a lovely holiday on horseback!
Mathilde H (på egne og familiens vegne, 5 deltagere)
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vh Margit W.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Det var et helt fantastisk sted og jeg bliver nød til at rose dem helt vildt for deres hestevelfærd. Den var virkelig i top sammen med alt andet.
Siw E.
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: June har været fantastisk til at hjælpe ifht. udfordringer med ankomsttider og transfer. Vi er ovenud tilfredse! Jette og Liza
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Bente A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5 Yderligere bemærkninger: det har simpelthen været den skønneste tur, med de mest eventyrlige oplevelser, og jeg har mødt de sødeste mennesker. Jeg er meget glad. 😁
Tak for god service og hurtig afklaring. Det er HELT sikkert ikke sidste gang jeg benytter hippo tours 🐴 Amalie M.
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Er lige kommet hjem fra den skønnest tur på hesteryg på Island sammen med min kone. Turen levede fuldt op til vores forventninger og var blevet anbefalet af June fra Hippo tours.
Turen “Naturens skatte” passede fint til to rustne rytter som fik prøvet både tølt og galop, og det er bestemt ikke sidste gang at vi skal afsted til Island på hesteryg. Kan helt klart anbefaledes til andre. - Jan B.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Vi er hjemme igen efter en helt igennem fantastisk tur. Alt hvad vi drømte om og så lidt til ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
De er top professionelle og der er styr på tingene, så vi bare kan tölte derudaf og nyde turen. Og tilmed helt fantastisk vejr, koldt og blæsende men ingen regn og klart vejr så vi kunne se omgivelserne Jeg har gjort opmærksom på at vi på sidste dag ankom mere end to timer senere til Reykjavik end angivet i rejsebeskrivelsen.
Lise O.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger:Jeg har været på rideferie med Hippo Tours to gange nu, og begge gange har været en stor fornøjelse. Vejledningen hos Hippo Tours er virkelig god, grundig og tryghedsskabende. Hippo Tours har også været meget hurtig til at svare fyldestgørende på alle mine spørgsmål til rejsen. Staldene (i både Marokko og Island, hvor jeg har været) husede sunde, stærke heste og passionerede guider med stor kærlighed til både hestene og naturen. Mine allervarmeste anbefalinger går derfor til Hippo Tours, både hvad angår service, kommunikation og valg af samarbejdspartnere.
- Pia AA.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Bra,trevliga guider under turen. Fina hästar.Fantastiskt god mat. Allt bra
Cecilia L.
Endnu en fantastisk rejse med Hippo Tours. Altid venlig og hurtig behandling af ønsker og spørgsmål. Det er meget dygtige folk, der tager sig af en på rejsemålet. Man er på intet tidspunkt i tvivl om, at de ved, hvad de har med at gøre. Fantastiske heste hver dag. God vejledning Og frem for alt: M;an føler sig i trygge hænder. Så næste år går rejsen også til Island med Hippo Tours. Glæder mig allerede
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Tone H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
The vegetarian part of the kitchen was very boring and in lack of spices. The bread in the sandwiches dry and almost only whith cheese and cuecumber. The fish was well made. We wondered why we should report our riding skills before the tour: it didn’t seem to have any influence, but the two guides were FANTASTIC to make it good for everybody.,
Tove J.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Vi var særdeles tilfredse! Vores "guide" Karin var meget venlig og behagelig at være i selskab med.
Rene I.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Good service I wasn’t very impressed of the food, vegan/vegetarian option was boring and didn’t even contain any protein some days. I could see that they tried but there is a lot more they could do. Riding instructor Linn was great. They could need to look over the gear to the horses a bit, some parts was broken.
Sofia N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Siden tølt er en så stor del av ridningen, kunne jeg nok tenke meg at stedet brukte noe mer tid på å instruere/demonstrere/vise og forklare hvordan man får hestene til gå i denne gangarten. Guidene var ellers veldig hyggelige, rolige, vennlige og forklarte greitt hvordan man skulle gjøre "ting" på dette stedet (alle ridesteder har sin måte)
Olaug G.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi är fullkomligt nöjda Bättre än vi hoppats på Vi vill åka igen
Paulin W.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Det enda jag var lite missnöjd med var att det var dåligt med varmvatten iduschen det var några till som upplevde det och vissa var det inget problem hos. Annars var allt super!
Helena F.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Karina G.A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Inger T.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vidunderligt....ganske enkelt.....vidunderligt....fremragende rejse! :-D Og tusind tak for din KÆMPE hjælp SØDE June <3 Kærligste hilsner og solskin til Hippo Tours teamet :-D (Sender jeg lige et par foto på mail:)
Helle R. B. S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Kristine L.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Enligt vår guide får man inte galoppera med hästarna, vilket hade varit bra att veta. Lunchmackan var lite liten. Frukosten ganska tråkig. Det var väldigt varmt på rummet. Annars var allt fantastiskt!
Johanna A.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Heidi A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Anna Kristine
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 2
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vilket härligt äventyr :-)
Katarina P.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hej June. Hyggeligt lige at møde dig i Island. Håber du havde en god tur. Vi havde en fantastisk tur, som helt levede op til vores forventninger. Boede rigtig dejligt, og var i en god gruppe hvor vi hyggede os. Guiderne gjorde et fantastisk stykke arbejde for at give os de bedste oplevelser, og for at vi havde det godt. Et sted vi helt sikkert kunne finde på at besøge igen, og som vi klart vil anbefale til andre. Med ønsket om en fortsat dejlig sommer.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi hade en underbar resa och åker gärna tillbaka till ridcentret och använder gärna Hippo Tours för att boka detta. Inget att klaga på! Hästarna, guiderna, turerna, boendet och maten var mycket bra.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Väldigt bra tur och God service båda innan resan och under resan. Bra guider och hästar som passade samtliga ryttare.
Karina B.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Allt var verkligen toppenbra! Det enda vi hade önskat oss var ett bättre omklädningsrum, men det har vi framfört till ridstället. Vi kommer tillbaka igen! Och stort tack till June!
Camilla F.
Denna resa var helt FANTASTISK. Jag hade förväntningar på att det skulle vara bra när vi åkte och resan var så över dessa förväntningar. Allt var absolut fantastiskt; hotellrummen, ranchen, maten, ridningen, guiderna, människorna som man var i kontakt med (på ranchen och gruppmedlemmarna) allt var perfekt, verkligen! Och servicen från Hippotours var superbra! Mejlade lite med dem innan när vi hade frågor och funderingar och de var snabba på att svara och löste allting åt oss. Skulle absolut boka en resa med Hippotours igen och rekommenderar er absolut till alla jag känner som vill åka på resor av den här sorten! Tack för en fantastisk upplevelse av Island och en resa över våra förväntningar!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fint sted, og mange gode heste. Selvom man rider ud fra samme base, er turene meget forskellige - og meget, meget smukke. Det har været en rigtig god oplevelse.
The number "5" is not enough to this trip :-) You need to put a "10" in the scale :-D - I´ll be back
Fantastisk tur. Kan varmt anbefales.
Blot en kort hilsen for at fortælle, jeg havde den mest fantastiske ferie på Island.
Jeg kan på det varmeste anbefale stedet til både begyndere og erfarne ryttere.
Det er meget kompetente folk. De ved, hvad de har med at gøre.
Jeg skal så absolut af sted til Island næste sommer. På en lang tur
Mine piger og jeg har haft en rigtig dejlig tur, og vi kunne sagtens finde på at tage af sted igen. Dejligt sted, gode heste og gode guider, og Island er jo fantastisk. Stor ros også til personalet på hotellet. Altid søde, venlige og parate til at hjælpe med stort og småt.
Vi havde en fantastisk tur. Personalet var rigtig søde og der var en god stemning på hotellet og i stalden. Guiderne var gode og vi havde nogle dejlige dage på hesteryg. Hestene var velplejet og gode. Selvom man red ud fra samme sted, fik man stadig tre forskellige oplevelser af den Islandske natur. Hotellet var rigtig hyggeligt, med nogle rigtig gode senge og dejlig mad. Jeg skal helt klart op at ride igen, hvor jeg vil prøve at ride fra sted til sted.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Pernille K. J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 2
I got a brilliant experience both with riding, but almost as important Iceland''s amazing nature. Iceland''s contrasts are exactly what I experienced. I would have liked to know at the BSI terminal that I had to look for a bus with a logo.
Claus H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Boendet, maten och servicen var över förväntan, framför allt boendet, med egen utgång till utomhus och med badtunna/utomhus bad. Jag hade gärna galopperat mer/haft ett högre tempo på ridningen. Men turen var ju också märkt "2" och jag tillhör "3" så kunde kanske tagit en "svårare" tur. Väldigt bra att det fanns regnkläder (och hjälm) att låna. Upphämtningen i Reykjavik var lite diffus, jag hade gärna haft en tydligare plats var på stationen vi skulle ses, då det var många turistbussar, både för ryttare och andra resenärer som körde runt. Jag är van vid att få rykta hästen mm själv, här stod en färdigsadlad häst och väntade på mig, var både bra och dåligt. Kändes liksom "lyxigt" att bara rida. Förstår att det kanske är svårt för anläggningen att ordna men jag hade gärna velat bli erbjuden att få vara med när de samlade in hästarna på morgonen, måste vara ganska unikupplevelse att få se 300 hästar som vallas in! fast det var en så pass stor anläggning så kändes det ändå väldigt smidigt och smart ordnat, och istället för att få en "industri" känsla så kändes det familjärt
Sara G.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Carina J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg blev da vi havde afsluttet turen i tvivl om man skulle give guiderne drikkepenge - tænker ikke at vi i Norden umiddelbart har særlig tradition for det, men hvad med i Island?? Vi havde desværre ikke tænkt på det før, vi stod midt i situationen og skulle sige farvel. Der havde vi meget lyst til at de fik drikkepenge, da vores super guider virkelig gjorde alt for, at vi fik en god tur. Men det virkede akavet at køre ud og tilbage med drikkepenge, og i receptionen kunne man ikke lige hæve kontanter. Så et lille tip inden turen villet havde hjulpet os😊
Heidi J.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Anna R.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Snabba och bra mailsvar uppskattades väldigt mycket. Fina hästar, bra guide, de ansträngde sig för att det skulle bli bra ridturer. Alltigenom jättenöjd!
Helene E.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 2
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg savnede, at en og samme rideguide kom aftenen før og gennemgik dagene- vi fik det udl på skrift i receptionen, som ikke kunne svare på vores spørgsmål Jeg savnede at vi havde samme guide på alle turene, som dermed kendte vores niveau, så vi ikke behøvede at ride med uøvede 1 dags turister på een tur Ellers fantastisk oplevelse for os alle 3
Marianne H.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 2
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi fik desværre ikke den modtagelse og introduktion som andre fik den første dag. Vores guide kom først næste morgen. Så vi måtte selv rende rundt og finde information om hvor vi skulle møde op og hvilke tider næste morgen. Der var meget forvirring i køkkenet og personalet var enormt stresset. Så vi fik først middag omkring kl 2130 -22 tiden den første aften. Alle de andre hold sad med deres guide og fik information og 3 retters mad. Vi fik ikke den sidste ret og fik at vide at det ikke var med i prisen men fik så heller ikke muligheden for at tilkøbe og der var klokken blevet rigtig mange. Men alt andet var super godt. Super heste og en super god guide.
Mange hilsner Heidi
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
One of your best family trip and our guide at the ranch Elise was more than perfect. We did also have the most perfect help from June before our trip started, so we are very happy ;O)
Mette P.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Mads B. M.
Fantastic trip in amazing and diverse landscapes, wonderful horses and a special thanks to the tour guide Tabea who made us feel secure and happy plus had nice stories to share with us
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Søren N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Lite för mycket tyskar med och ledarna pratade mycket tyska så man missade lätt saker.
Helena F.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Britta P.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations:
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Der næsten intet, der kan være bedre end at tølte på en god islænder på Island, Hestene var gode og villige og vores 2 guider var søde og hjælpsomme. Der var kun et minus, desværre intet Nordlys, men så har vi da en god undskyldning for at vende tilbage til det dejlige ridested til næst år.
Birgit H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En fantastisk resa som gav oss minnen för livet! Underbar natur, proffsigt upplägg, fina hästar och en utmärkt djurhållning. Fint hotell och utsökt mat Toppbetyg från oss. Kram och tack😍
Helen J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg skal afsted igen!
Karen L
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
vh Anna-Karin G
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
I was deeply impressed by the professional standard and of the loving care from all the persons involved, so I do hope I will be able to come back again
Grete B. H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Sanne L.
Generelt bare en helt fantastisk tur. Indlogering mv. var som beskrævet og alt var i orden. Skønne heste, smuk natur og rigtig gode guider. Det har virkelig været en helt fantastisk oplevelse selvom turen måtte laves om pga. af sneen. Forhåbentlig vender vi tilbage om et par år - måske til den "rigtige" landmannalauger tur :)
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation:
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
Vi havde en fantastisk dejlig rideferie. Dygtige og søde guider (Sanne og Thor) og hyggelige Gudmundur. De gjorde deres bedste for at vi skulle have den perfekte rideferie. Velredne heste, gode sadler og afvekslende og veltilrettelagte rideture. Mad og service var i top både på Skalakot og i Thorsmørk. Der var enkelte ting som ikke stemte overens med beskrivelsen af turen. På første dags ridning til den sorte strand skulle vi bade i en varm kilde, den fandtes simpelthen ikke. Vi sov på fælles sovesal, hvilket var helt i orden, det burde blot oplyses. Saunaen var ikke i brug og der var kun 1 toilet der virkede. Vi fik ikke barbecue den sidste aften som skrevet. Disse anmærkninger blot til forbedring for de næste gæster, vi var begejstrede og giver vores allerbedste anbefalinger til Skalakot😊😊😊
Kirsten N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
The best trip ever, me and my doughter loved it 😊
Vibeke B. N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
The guides were good and responsible, the nature so beautiful, and the horses were absolutely amazing. I will nevet forget this trip!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
A pillow would have been nice for the days we stayed at the farm. The food was very nice some days, but not all. Guides, horses, tour and overall experience was amazing!
Emma J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jag Skulle ha uppskattat en mer utförlig packlista med tips på vindtäta kläder mm. Även kudde och lakan eftersom detta inte fanns på boendet, hade inte fått info om detta. Sovsäck hade jag med mig men hade varit fräscht o skönt med lakan o kudde. Bastu och bubbelfunktionen i jacuzzin var trasiga. Annars en helt fantastisk resa!! Guiderna Tor o Birta var verkligen superbra, proffsiga och trevliga. Matchade varje ryttare med "rätt" hästar. Kändes otroligt kunniga och hästvana. Verkligen service och expertis. Rekommenderar verkligen turen till vänner!
Tove V.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Line J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
It was really an adventure. The horses are so good, nice to handle ande they like to go fast. We admire the leaders of the group, they took so god care of us.
Anette E.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Endnu en helt fantastisk tur. Rideferier på Island er bare noget helt særligt med den løse flok heste og den smukke natur. Guiderne var som sædvanlig imødekommende og dygtige og gjorde et nummer ud af at alle fik heste de følte sig godt tilpas med. En helt fantastisk oplevelse og der var da mindst et par heste jeg godt ville have sneget med hjem I kufferten hvis jeg kunne :D
The trip was SO nice and the horses and guides were extremely competent. The only complaint I could possibly have was that it was too short
Vi havde en virkelig god tur, med gode værter, guider, heste og god indkvatering. Der blev virkelig gjort en indstats for, at vi fik en fantastisk tur. God service fra hippo tours inden afrejse, dog var er ting på pakkelisten, der ikke behøves, samt ting der havde været gode at have med. Men alt i alt, en helt fantastisk tur, i godt selvskab og på rigtig gode heste.
A very nice tour good food and pleasant people on the tour. Saw a beautiful nature It was great.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 2
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Desværre var vejret meget dårlig i Italien i den uge vi var der, så det blev kun til 2 ridedage. Vi fik dog rigeligt kompensation i form kokkeskole, frokoster, transport til byen med etruskermuseet mv. Mit forslag er at lade lørdag være afrejsedag i stedet for søndag, da der efter programmet jo ikke er ridedag om lørdagen. Og hvis man ikke selv har bil med kan den dag være lidt overflødig, da stedet ligger langt fra al ting. Men et super fint og hyggeligt sted.
Hilsen Anette A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Per G.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding:
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Julie B.
En fantastisk rid-upplevelse! Fina hästar, heldagar i sadeln ute i rå natur, genom flod och över berg i ett mycket vackert landskap. Ranchen var i toppskick, stora fina rum, supergod mat & vin från egna ekologiska odlingar. Som pricken över i - varma, välkomnande värdar. Hit går även nästa resa!
Vi har været på flere rideferier både i Danmark og i udlandet, men vi har aldrig været på så god en tur som denne. Dejlige energiske veltrænede heste. Søde og super hjælpsomme værter. Super ture i storslået natur. Spændende og udfordrende oplevelser. Masser af dejlig lokal mad og vin. Vi får svært ved at finde et rideferie, til næste år, der bare delvist, lever op til denne tur.
A fantastic vacation! I am only sorry, that I could not give higher marks. This trip exceeded all of our expectations. Great food, excellent company and accomodation, good service, a beautiful ranch and amazing horses!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Marianne K.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Helt underbart. Över förväntningarna. Super fin ranch och miljö. Fina trygga hästar. Anna och Marco var suveräna guider. Maten fantastisk!!!
Marie D.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Anna som ejer ranchen er helt fantastisk og gør alt for at opholdet bliver en succes.. 👍🏻😉 Har før tejst med Hippotours og alt lever 100 % op til alle forventninger..😃
Vh Birgitte D
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi fick en toppenhelg över förväntan. Anna tog emot oss på ett underbart sätt. Hon var så engagerad i allt och ville verkligen att vi skulle trivas. Detta ställe kan jag rekommendera till alla även om man inte rider.
Annika S
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En fantastisk rid-upplevelse! Fina hästar, heldagar i sadeln ute i rå natur, genom flod och över berg i ett mycket vackert landskap. Ranchen var i toppskick, stora fina rum, supergod mat & vin från egna ekologiska odlingar. Som pricken över i - varma, välkomnande värdar. Hit går även nästa resa!
The trip exceeded our expextations! We are very pleased with the welcome, food, acomendation, people, horses. What could improve: Our last day had half a day horsebackriding but the check out from the room was in the morning which ment no showering after the tour.
Hej June! Vi hade en jättefin resa. Verkligen en bra ekogård och härlig ridning!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Rune K.
Meget fin information vedr. turen og god service i forbindelse med booking m.m. Rideguiderne var yderst kompetente, bl.a. i forhold til instruktion og håndtering af situationen, da vores ridedage desværre blev ændret undervejs på grund af vejret, men det er jo hvad der kan ske.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
This Madonie Trail exceeded our expectations many times!!! We were only two guests, so it was a luxury that we could more or less decide how many hours we wanted to ride etc. Both Paolo and Selene are fantastic persons : they have good knowledge about the areas that we visited, and they are very professional in the way they handle their wonderful horses. They are also very good company during the dinners, and I cannot remember when I have laughed so much at a vacation. The horses are robust and very stable on their legs. We were absolute confident riding them in the challenging nature. Both the accomodation and food exceeded our expectations. We stayed at some very nice hotels/guesthouses, and it was wonderful to be able to take a warm shower after a long day at a horseback. The food was very delicious, and there was plenty of it. Again, Paolo and Selene really spoiled us and took us to some nice restaurants where we tasted (too many) Italian specialities. Many many thanks to Paolo, Selene and Hippotours for a memorable trail that we will never forget. I have a good feeling that we will try this again in the not too distant future.
Lisbeth B. C.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dina kommentarer är mycket välkomna: Vilken härlig vecka vi hade! Att få uppleva Toscanas vackra natur till häst var fantastiskt.
Brita K.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dina kommentarer är mycket välkomna: En mycket vacker tur. Många väldigt smakliga middagar på agritourismo gårdarna, lokalproducerat. Härlig upplevelse dagen då vi besökte ranchen med maremma boskap och dess cowboy/ägare. Intressant att rida i etruskernas spår.
Kerstin O.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Stor tak til Hippo Tours og speciel tak til June for den fantastisk og over forventelig hjælp fra Hippo Tours, med vores rejse maj/juni til western ridning i Italien. Hele tiden opfølgning og hurtig tilbage svar på alt. En dejlig uge i Toscana med hesteridning ikke under 4 timer om dagen (tilkøb), enkelte dage op til næste 7 timer. Alt som Hippo Tours skrev på hjemmesiden og June via telefonopkald fortalte var korrekt på Heste farmen. Vi vender tilbage med en ny rejse.
Tak Sine & Henrik
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Fantastisk tur med gode heste, veluddannede guides, der vidste hvad de havde med at gøre. En meget hyggelig og oprigtig atmosfære på farmen
Niels D.J.
was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastic!!! Will come back, and this time with my daughter!! :)
Tony J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Fantastiskt härlig gård, trevliga människor, otroliga måltider! Det kändes lätt och säkert att lära sig rida på de fina hästarna. Guiderna var lyhörda för våra behov och önskemål. Någon fråga jag skickade till Hippo Tours verkade falla bort, så jag (och min reskompis) skickade den igen efter någon vecka. Jag är nöjd och glad!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Emilie og Morten T.
Har lige holdt en uges ferie med rideture for- og eftermiddag i flotte skove, med skønne udsigter og på dejlige heste, der er meget sikre og pålidelige i det meget bjergrige terræn. Dejlige guider og ejere, der gør deres bedste for at man får et godt ophold. Og så lige den skønne hjemmelavede mad - uhm. Stedet kan varmt anbefales.
Nu er jeg så kommet hjem igen, fra den mest fantastiske tur.
Det har simpelthen bare overgået alle forventninger. Hestene var fantastiske, personalet var simpelthen så imødekommende, søde og rare at man virkelig bare følte sig rigtig meget velkommen lige med det samme. Maden var super lækker og turene i området var helt fantastiske. Man kom virkelig bare helt ned i tempo fra hverdagens trummelum og bare nød naturen, hestene og, ja bare det hele.
Mit værelse var typisk italiensk, ikke noget fancy overhovedet, men alligevel bare rigtig hyggeligt og virkelig ren og pænt.
Jeg har virkelig kun positivt at sige om denne oplevelse og vil anbefale det til enhver der kan lide heste og natur:-)
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Great place, very pleasant, diligent and helpfull staff, fantastic surroundings, well trained horses, relaxed atmosphere and the attention was always to the benefit of the horses. The service from Hippo Tours was very satisfying: clarifying answers with fast feed back, good proposals to tours and very kind communication.
Lisbet G.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
I was slightly disappointed with the overall tour because the name of the tour itself is riding and swimming and we only swam with the horses about 5 minutes each which was extremely little. The name is therefore misleading and it would be better to see the swimming as an added bonus, "have an opportunity to go in the water with the horses" or something instead. The terrain obviously didn''t have the potential for a long swim with the horses since there were only shallow floods. Also in the description of the tour it stated that we would ride to Etruscan graves and I would have wished that the tour riding guides would know something more about the sites that we visited and the paths we took. Obviously they don''t have to be experts but they didn''t seem to know that much and just pointed out things and having just that little bit of extra info would have really made the trip a bit more special. Otherwise the staff were extremely kind and welcoming, the ranch was beautiful and the horses well looked after. And hippo tours did an amazing job at replying quickly to all my questions and helping me.
Simone R.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi är så nöjda m denna resa, så hemtrevligt o mkt trevliga mskor o verkligen bra hästhållning. Naturen helt fantastisk.
Yvonne Ö.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
love every minute of it
Hanne H.H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Turen var simpelthen HELT fantastisk! Virkelig en drøm som gik i opfyldelse - tusind tak! Det eneste jeg vil påpege er at jeg var den eneste der ikke forstod italiensk i mange av ridetimerne, og jeg synes ikke at dette blev taget godt nok i betragtning. Det gik alligevel godt for det meste når jeg bad om hjælp. Jeg vil helt sikkert fortsætte med at anbefale HippoTours til venner og familie.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
De anede ikke jeg var en western rytter men var meget hurtige til at fremskaffe en saddel men kun en privat hest var noget jeg følte mig rigtig godt tilpas på. Så var heden også ulidelig 36 grader mange dage og jo ikke noget man kunne gøre noget ved;-) så trail ture måtte ændres pga af hede. Drengene havde dejlige ridetimer meget børnevenligt og givende for mine 2 4 årige. Maden var fantastisk.
Kristine F.
Thank you for a wonderful week.Everyone in the big family was so friendly, helpful and supportive.The room was very good and WARM - I need that. The food . . . Thank you Clara. You are a master chef. Everything with the horses worked fine as well as the riding tours with caring guides and with Clara´s picknic food! I changed horse after three days and was very pleased with the new Goca and her saddle. During my four lessons I rode a tall gelding with whom I finalized with jumping a course with six jumps - first time. I´m still happy as a child. The teaching was careful and friendly. Nature is grand and the weather was fine the whole week. What more could one wish - well, for me the dining hall was cold so I dressed well. The riding paths have many stones but we cannot change nature. Many short canters pleased my adventurous side. It was a great week.
Leif, the fiddler
Hej, jag vill varmt rekommendera ridcentret. Otroligt vackert beläget (mycket finare än var bilderna ger rättvisa åt). Jag och min dotter valde turen "Långritt i Umbrien" är jättenöjda. Stället ägs av två familjer och efter en vecka känns det nästan som man är en del av denna jättehärliga stora familj. Maten var fantastisk, även den vegetariska varianten. Hästarna väl anpassade efter det arbete de förväntas utföra och de blev väl omhändertagna liksom vi blev. Har du en något längre ridvana eller vill lära dig mer så rekommendera jag att komplettera med några lektioner i paddocken för pedagogen och instruktören Andrea (otroligt bra och pratar utmärkt engelska). Eftersom varannan dag är halvdag uteritt så tycker jag att det inte var några problem att orkar med lektioner dessa dagar också. Förutom hästar för turridning finns här fantastiska hästar som klarar både hopp och dressyr i de högre klasserna.
Pia och Amanda
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Susanne B. W., 2019
Meget profesjonelt opplegg
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dejligt sted og rigtig god undervisning ... ! :-)
Karsten L.
Vil ikke sige så meget andet end perfekt, perfekt, perfekt!!!! Skal jeg finde et enkelt minus, så var det at der var et par regnbyger de første par dage Men alle var sååå søde, fantastisk mad, gode heste og super god undervisning – så pædagogisk, anerkendende og trygt. Mig som stort set aldrig har sprunget før, lærte så meget. Og fedt at de var så fleksible, at jeg kunne skifte turridning ud med undervisning!!!
Gode hilsner
Hej June,
Kort fortalt var det en fantastisk tur, jeg havde til Umbrien. Fantastisk gode heste, virkelig god mad, og rigtig søde værter. Jeg skal helt sikkert herned igen!
God sommer!
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastiskt ställe, underbara människor och maten var den bästa jag ätit i Italien och jag vi har varit där många gånger!!! Nybyggd pool precis utanför lägenheten med magisk utsikt! Denna resa rekommenderas varmt!!!
Åsa H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi är mycket nöjda med vår resa och fick möta en fantastisk välkomnande familj med trevliga hästar! En 4 på expectation har att göra med att det var en stor spridning på ridkunskaperna i gruppen och det är alltid den minst ridvane som bestämmer nivån. Det gjorde att det var ett MYCKET lugnt tempo.... Vi hade önskat lite mer fart. Programmet stämde inte heller med det som annonserats på er hemsida. Men annars en helt fantastisk upplevelse och vi återvänder gärna med vänner som inte har så mycket ridvana,
Kristina A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Allt var helt magiskt, från ridningen, hästarna, maten, lärarna. Ända minus var instruktionerna för att hitta till själva gården, Ni får gärna skriva vad gården heter och att man svänger in till den precis vid en restaruang :)
Beatrice B.
1) Vi blev varmt modtaget af Christina og Valentina 2) instruktøren Andrea var en fantastisk underviser, positiv og indsigtsfuld, der fik det allerbedste frem i os 3) værelserne var skønne lejligheder med 180 graders uforstyrret udsigt til bjergene 4) maden tryllede Clara frem i køkkenet og den var skøn og rigelig 5) ranchen var eksklusivt indrettet og pertentligt holdt med sans for den mindste detalje 6) hestene var af høj kvalitet og letredne og lydhøre, turene med Augostino og Claire var fuldstændig fantastiske med skønne galopper med den mest overdådige udsigt 7) Turen var alt hvad vi havde håbet på og mere til 8) Tak til Hippo-tours, der tryllede den perfekte rejse frem på ingen tid!
Louise & Frederik
mycket mycket myckdt nöjd.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fina hästar och bra värdar och guide
Camilla J.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Vänliga människor som har hand om ranchen. Hästarna fina och verkar ha det bra, väldigt framåt med en hel del bockande och sparkande framför allt de första dagarna. Jag önskade en lugn häst vilket var bra. Fin natur och utmanande ridning.
Anna A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Överlag är jag väldigt nöjd, speciellt med ridningen och hästarna, som var i väldigt fin form och verkade ha det bra. Natten till onsdagen och natten till torsdagen sov vi på ett och samma ställe, det framgår inte av bokningssidan men jag tyckte det var okej (speciellt eftersom det var ett superfint ställe, favoriten bland övernattningsplatserna med god marginal). Man galopperar väldigt snabbt, och vid ett par tillfällen ännu snabbare än annars över stora öppna ytor. Jag hade inte väntat mig att det skulle gå så snabbt och har heller aldrig tidigare provat att rida i de hastigheterna tidigare, men jag tyckte det var väldigt roligt! Hälften av deltagarna tyckte dock att det gick för snabbt och blev läskigt, och de två sista dagarna red vi i ett långsammare tempo. Själv var jag inte rädd, jag kände mig trygg med hästen och utrustningen och är väldigt orädd som person, och jag vill inte klaga på att galopperna var snabba. Däremot kan det behövas en större tydlighet med detta när man bokar.
Linnea H.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Mara the guide did everything to accommodate everybody''s wishes and was an excellent guide
Rikke A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Virkelig god tur - ranchen var meget primitiv men det er helt OK for mig som gammel spejder, men det er rart lige at vide på forhånd. På et af hotellerne boede vi i et meget ufærdigt hus da der havde været overbooking på hotellet - igen OK for mig i disse coronatider hvor jeg meldte mig på i sidste øjeblik - der var en del mere "skridt" en jeg havde troet da vi brugte megen tid på at krydse bjergene. Vil man have mere galop skal man vælge deres anden tur der ikke var mulig denne gang - turen i bjergene var dog utrolig smuk og vi havde en fantastisk lang galop for frie tøjler midt på ugen i dalen
Frederik C.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Da min gjord sprang på 2. dagen blev jeg lidt nervøs, men kom over dette faremoment. Stor ros til guiden Mari, som arbejdede i døgndrift med transport, heste, ridning, fodring, mad, servering, venlig. smilende og kompetent.
Doris P.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Den här resan var en underbar upplevelse! Det var så roligt och vackert att rida i Dalmatien! Resan var välorganiserad o genomtänkt så vi fick komma till fantastiska platser med omväxlande ridterräng. Hästarna var pigga o framåt och vi blev väldigt väl och varmt omhändertagna! Vår guide Mara var fantastisk. Maten var god o riklig även om standarden på installationerna var enkel.
Lovisa I.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Pigga bra hästar. Mycket bra upplägg med varierad ridning. Härlig terräng väl anpassad för ridning. Mycket bra service som anpassades efter vädret. Härlig atmosfär med värme och humor. Vi blev väl omhändertagna med vänlighet, respekt och med säkerhet som fokus för häst och ryttare. Boendet på ranchen enkelt och funktionellt. Lagad mat till lunch flera dagar kändes lyxigt! Helhet 5. Super nöjd!
Kicki S.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastiskt fin resa. Bra hästar, trevliga människor på ranchen och med på turen. Ridningen höll vad den lovade med ovanligt många härliga galopper och natur. Tyvärr hade vi lite väl kallt väder för årstiden. Hade varit skönt med lite bättre värme inomhus, vi frös! Kanske några extra värmeelement? På ranchen hade man kunnat önska ett lite bättre boende. Vi var 9 personer om ett badrum. Och kallt...Därför en 3:a på "boende". Men vädret kan man ju inte rå över. Misstänker att det för det mesta är precis tvärtom-alltför varmt! Som helhetsintryck, en fantastisk resa och jättetrevliga arrangörer, som alla gjorde sitt bästa för att vi skulle få en fin ridvecka! Kan tänka mig att återvända på deras andra tur, Plitvice.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Jeg var ked af det, træt og frustreret over, at vi først var tilbage på ranchen fredag nat kl 0.15. Det er ikke okay, når vi skal have pakket og tidligt op næste dag og har en lang rejse hjem. Det sene tidspunkt var udelukkende ranch ejerens skyld.
Mette K.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Mycket trevlig resa! Väldigt roligt att få se så mycket av naturen och träffa de som bor utmed trailen och få se kulturen i Kroatien!
Simon R.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Obs man kan ikke leve uden kuna på denne tur. Vi medbragte kun euro, og der vil være stop undervejs, hvor de ikke tager euro eller dankort. Både undervejs med drikkevarer på cafe, restaurant og ved nationalparken.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
One horse got I’ll and the ranch did not want to exchange it. They said it was too troublede to do. Please ensure your ranches prioritises the possibilities to exchange any horse when needed. Otherwise it was good
Malin H.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 2
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dear Hippo Tours, We have the following comments to our recent trip to Croatia: 1) we felt that the riding safety was NOT given enough priority. 2) the Ango-Arabic horses were NOT civilised enough. They bucked and ran amock the first couple of days. I found it almost impossible to establish contact to the horses. (This trail was my number 10 at the highest riding level) 3) and a note of praise: the trip was well organised in fantastic landscapes. Well prepared and ample food.
Sincerely yours, Janni & Marianne
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Det är missvisande att det står att all alkoholfri dryck ingår samt inhemskt vin och öl. Detta stämmer inte. Det stämmer endast när vi inte bor på hotell/ äter på restaurang eller liknande. På hotell och liknande har det bara varit första drycken som ingått. Jag skulle också fått ett reseförslag från kilroy som ni utlovade. Det kom aldrig. Tycker att det är bra att det är tydligt i informationen att det är låg standard, för det är det. Men det är helt ok. Samt att de inte håller tidsschemat. Stundtals kan det bli extremt långt mellan tillfällena för mat och vatten pga oförutsedda händelser. Detta blir framförallt påtagligt när det är väldigt varmt ute. Ett tipps kan vara att man har vattenstopp längs vägen då mängden vatten man kan ta med är begränsad. Att tänka på är att grupper om tolv är roligt men tempot nedgår och det är också en begränsning att vara så många. Överlag nöjd med resan. Fina hästar och supergoa människor som värnar om hästarna och oss gäster. Mysigt att man får vara så delaktig i den lokala gemenskapen. Uppskattade även besöket i nationalparken och att man hade en dag där det inte reds så mycket häst.
Lovisa B-N
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vilken fantastisk resa!
Jana G.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Super tur !
Karsten L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
This trail is no doubt one of the best vacations, we have had. The entire set-up was highly professional, and everything worked perfectly. The horses are the best, we have been riding ever, and Mohammed and Abdul were fantastic guides. It was a pleasure to see how much they care about both their horses and guests. The food was delicious and tasty, and despite the cold nights, there was something exciting about sleeping in the tent with the sound of horses outside. THANK YOU Hippo Tours and the Ranch. Hope to see you soon again.
Lisbeth B.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi skulle have boet på hotel første og sidste nat, men det var i telt på forstanden ved ranchen, dog med gode madrasser i sengen.
Doris P.
I had an amazing trip and will surely recommend it to everyone i know. I found it a wonderfull way to experience a country and i feel very gratefull to our guide, Muhammed, and the rest of the staff for making it a unique and beautiful trip.
The tour was fantastic and exceeded all my expectations in every way. The guide, horses, trail was fantastic including the food leaving me with a great memory and urge to travel again. The only part that has some improvement potential is the information received about the trip, trail and plans. Not saying that everything can/should be described put for example the list of things to bring should have included clothes for swimming and a little more detail about the daily rides would have been beneficial. I also believe the trip would attract more riders if it was mentioned more about the trip because the living standard and food was great with freshly pressed orange juice every morning and so on....this was instead a pleasant surprise for me and the other riders.
Sebastian L.
Full valuta rakt igenom. Bra hästar, sadlar,
förläggning/service/mat. Guidning och naturupplevelser över förväntan.
Det skal først understreges at vi havde en rigtig god tur.
Det var gode heste, udvalgt så de passede os perfekt. Min mand klarede turen fint og var glad for sin hest. Guiderne gjorde et kæmpe arbejde for at få det hele til at fungere og vi har haft en fantastisk god oplevelse.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 2
Vilket äventyr!!! Måste verkligen ge en eloge till vår guide Badar, som trots att han bara är 24 år och engelska sisådär, tog hand om oss på en mycket proffsigt sätt. Även kocken(Hassan) och den andra Hassan tog hand om oss på ypperligt sätt. Med fint tält, satte upp dusch varje kväll, vilmadrasser i skuggan osv. Vi två deltagare (jag och Gunilla) kunde inte bli bättre omhändetagna. Men ryttten kanske inte var den bästa. Att rida på så starka hingstar kändes inte tryggt i galoppen (såå snabbt) och det var mycket skritt i ett rätt monotomt landskap. Men i stort är jag mycket, mycket nöjd. Fantastiskt äventyr!!
Jeg ville bare skrive og takke for turen og fortelle at vi har hatt et aldeles fantastisk opphold! For en utrolig service fra guider, sjåfører og alle andre involverte! Hestene var friske, flotte og tydelig velholdte. Og for en fart! Jeg hadde ingen anelse om at det var dette som ventet oss, det overgikk enhver forventning, og forventningene var allerede skyhøye! Tusen takk for god hjelp og informasjon i forkant. Jeg gleder meg allerede til neste år! Håper å få sjansen til å få den samme opplevelsen igjen da!
Med vennlig hilsen Elizabeth og resten av hesteklassen!
En mycket bra resa och en fantastisk guid. Planer på hans öken trail hoppas jag delta i.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dina kommentarer är mycket välkomna: Mycket välarrangerad tur med mycket kompetenta och trevliga guider samt väl omhändertagna och välridna hästar. Mat och arrangemang var långt över förväntan.
Linnea L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Mycket välarrangerad tur med mycket kompetenta och trevliga guider samt väl omhändertagna och välridna hästar. Mat och arrangemang var långt över förväntan.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Ørken-trailen overgik langt mine forventninger, selvom de på forhånd var sat højt. Skønne heste, 7 sjove og spændende heste-mennesker fra 6 forskellige lande, 2 sympatiske og erfarne guider, dejlig mad, udfordrende ridning, og et landskab der gang på gang slog benene væk under os. At sove i et telt under ørkenhimlen, med hestene gumlende og prustende lige udenfor, vågne op til friskbagte pandekager, og ikke skulle tænke på andet end at sadle sin hest og begive sig ud på endnu en dags eventyr - det er ren healing, intet mindre. Tak til mine dejlige med-ryttere, min seje lille hest der bar mig hele vejen, og til det professionelle hold fra ranchen.
Hej June. Jeg har givet lutter 5-taller, men er ikke sikker på at skemaet er sendt med. Men altså, vi var ovenud tilfredse med gruppen, turen, vores guider og hjælpere og hestene var tip-top.
Venlig hilsen Johannes
Fantastisk tur! Udover dejlige, sunde heste var jeg specielt overrasket over guidernes store ansvarsfuldhed og organisation af turen. Jeg har anbefalet jer og Marokko vidt og bredt og det er ikke sidste gang jeg tager af sted på rideferie. Det er eminent når man på grund af arbejdspresset ikke længere kan tage på lange uafhængige rejser!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Tack för en mycket bra service! Jag hade en fantastisk upplevelse och bokar gärna med er igen. Ranchen var mycket professionell och hästarna var fina och välmående.
Maria H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hela resan var över förväntan. Det var mera kuperat än vi trott,. Vår guide Mohammed med crew var helt fantastiska. Kanonmat och mycket fina och välmående hästar.
Rekomenderas Tina och Joachim
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
This trip has more than exceeded my expectations!! Everything was fantastic,the place ,the horses,the people,the food the great care that Muhammed & Abdul took in order to make everybody feel great and comfortable,also the way they cared for the horses was amazing! Anybody thinking of taking a trip with them I can only say go go go. Wish it was me. Best regards and hope to see everybody again.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Pia A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hanne T.
Otroligt kul upplevelse även för mig som inte är genuint hästintresserad. De första dagarna red vi inåt landet och fick se mycket Marockanskt lantliv. På slutet blev det mycket på stranden ut med havet. De första dagarna var det mest lugnt tempo, på stranden var det mer galopp. Fantastiskt kul!
Övernattningarna var i tält, men full service. Tältet var uppsatt när vi kom och förfriskningarna (the :) ) stod på bordet. Bra mat på lagades av kocken som följde med i "service bilen".
Jag kommer definitivt göra detta igen!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Johanna S,
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 2
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jättebra guide, Muhammed och trevlig grupp! Det måste framgå i beskrivningen att alla sover i samma tält, inga hygien-möjligheter (ta med våtservetter) svinkallt för årstiden, ta med mycket varma kläder, vantar, mössa för kvällarna. Tvätta sig i havet är inte alltid möjligt. ”Strandritt” inte riktigt rätt namn då man tror att det blir mycket trav/galopp på stranden men det är ju mest skritt i bergen med utsikt över havet! Maten bra om än lite snålt tilltagen till middag och varje middag samma soppa till förrätt ”hariri” Även hotellövernattningarna kräver ullkläder, ingen värme i hotellrummet , viktigt att det framgår!
Marika A-S
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
I didn''t know what to expect when I booked the tour, but I can now say that it has been one of the most incredible and amazing travels I have ever done. The horses are well behaived but still has a mind of their own. Even when we rode up an allmost horizontal cliff, I did not fear that the horses couldn''t do it. Never have I been riding such strong animals with such an ease! The greatest thing about it was to feel that the animals also enjoyed the trip. And the gallops!! Woa amazing! Mohammed, our guide was warm and welcoming and eager to talk about his own culture and hear about ours. He has hired a great team of helpers and everbody seems open and very helpfull with any kind of problems. It has been a few weeks since I came home, but I still smile with all of my face when I tell about my trip. I will defernetly recomment this to every horseloving person meet!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 2
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Ett förslag är att ha luftmadrasser att sova på i tälten istället för de tunna madrasserna på den hårda marken som var där.
Jeanette N. H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
We, my daughter and I, had a fantastic tour, although it was a hard trip - with many hours in the saddle. The leader Muhammed was a fantastic horseman, which he shoved by his knowledge of horses in general and as a tourguide in a harsh nature. We were never afraid, that he didn''t manage, he always had full controll over the horses. And we could always ask. He lowed to answer any questions - His assistent Bather! was also a very nice and helpfull . I personally would have liked some more - guidance in the riding of the horse we got - maybe in the arena before the trip - which though was not possible on this trip - So all in all - a very nice trip - with very nice people - in a hash but beautiful nature - that we never forget!
Love from Katarina and Henny from Denmark
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En fantastisk og uforglemmelig tur. Noe helt for seg selv. Kommer aldri til å glemme denne opplevelsen! Beste turen jeg har vært på! Hestene er de tøffeste hester jeg noen gang har ridd, de klatrer overalt, og løper fortere enn jeg kunne forestille meg. Det er en krevende tur da, mange timer på hesteryggen og riding i bratte partier og på steinete underlag. Dette kommer ikke fram i beskrivelsen, da man tror man for det meste er på strender.Jeg synes turen var mer krevende enn man ga inntrykk av i beskrivelsen. Passer bare erfarne ryttere ville jeg mene. Takk for at dere anbefalte meg denne turen :-)
Øyvor G.
Six days Riding wild Arab stallions through the Moroccan desert. Starting with speed races - not galloping(!) - but pure races (never been riding so fast!) along the coastline, moving on galloping along the mountain edges and into the never ending Aladin sand desert.
Every day new surprises and laughters - anything from being hunted and fleeing from aggressive male camels to donkeys mating outside the tent to watching goats climbing eucalyptus trees..
Morocco is such a beautiful and welcoming country - the nature and the people.
The horse riding was beyond all expectations and created an eternal addiction!
after seven days riding we went back for an extra ride - galloping on the beach.
great food, nice ppl and guides - Its an experience for life
Lisen W.
Fantastisk tur. Alt var som lovet/forventet.
Det var helt ærligt rasende koldt at sove i berbertelt. Ellers var det en fantastisk tur, vi var et superhodt hold, og alle havde det hyggeligt og sjovt,
Perfekt tur og et livs langt minde. Vil bestemt i fremtiden bestille flere ture fra Hippotours.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: It was an absolutely fantastic trip. We got a really warm welcome and everyone was so nice. We got very excited and different Mexican food. The place was absolutely fantastic and with good facilities. They had some good horses that they took good care of. They were all very helpful and good at answering all our questions. We got a little extra tour of the city and of their riding school they also had. They constantly tried to make us feel at home and that we had the best trip. I would definitely recommend others to visit this place.
Jag hade en verkligen super bekväm sadel och en vacker ung svart/brunt 3 1/2 årigt Azteka sto med dröm mjuka steg, gillade henne mycket, hade inga ryggproblem under ritten.Bra hotell under vägen endel rentav på lyxiga sidan, för att inte tala om den fantastiska gamla haciendan vi övernattade på en natt, men bäst gillade jag ändå natten som vi var uppe i bergen i ett litet resort bårtom all redighet, bara vårt lilla gäng och hästarna med härlig natur runtomkring.
REKOMMENDERAR till den som vill uppleva annat en bara ridning en mycket välplanerad rid- och kulturhistorisk resa.!
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: Just magical trip, guides so nice, translator was so sweet and service minded, chef did magic with the food. I don’t have any improvement to come up with!
Camilla G.
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: future participants of this trail must pay attention to the weather forecast and pack accordingly. this is a typical mountain trail, where the temperatures can drop considerably, especially at night, so please be prepared for heavy rain, wind, snow (yes!), and hot sun. A fantastic ride, with super friendly and considerate hosts, good food, cool horses, and the nature! wow. we can warmly recommend this ride.
Gro og Steinar
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
future participants of this trail must pay attention to the weather forecast and pack accordingly. this is a typical mountain trail, where the temperatures can drop considerably, especially at night, so please be prepared for heavy rain, wind, snow (yes!), and hot sun. A fantastic ride, with super friendly and considerate hosts, good food, cool horses, and the nature! wow. we can warmly recommend this ride.
Gro & Steinar
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi vil bare sige, at nu er vi kommet hjem efter en spændende, oplevelsesrig og interessant rideferie i Montenegro.
Det var en fin og veltilrettelagt rideferie med kompetente guider. Dog er beskrivelsen om canter – rolig samlet galop, lidt af en underdrivelse. Det var raske galopper ud over ”stepperne” (men ikke noget der har ødelagt turen for os, eller gjort den sværere) 😊
De bedste hilsner 2 X Anette
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi fick vänta ett tag på flygplatsen för att vänta in kommande flighter. Det hade varit bra med en generell uppsamlingstid där i förväg så att vi var beredda på det. Alla instruktioner var på franska, och sedan en miniversion på hackig engelska. Vår guide var jättetrevlig och försökte verkligen så gott han kunde på engelska, men vi missade ändå mycket information både praktisk under ritten och även all den historia/förklaringar etc som kom extra. De två sista dagarna hade vi en engelsktalande guide vilket gjorde stor skillnad! I övrigt väldigt trevligt bemötande från guiderna och vid övernattningarna längst hela ritten. Ordentliga matportioner både vid lunch och middag. Starka trygga ponnys som var säkra på hoven i bitvis krävande terräng. Riktigt imponerande hästar, som var väl omhändertagna. Långa dagar i sadeln - som längst 9 timmar på en dag. Men inte någon tekniskt svår ridning, så är du bara någorlunda vältränad och orädd för klättringen till häst så löser även en ovan ryttare det fint! Trevliga övernattningsställen ofta med dusch och varmvatten, men inte varje natt. Jag har tidigare ridit trail där vi övernattade i tält hela vägen så jämfört med det var detta väldigt bekvämt. Men du måste vara ok med utedass, hål i marken-toalett, och att tvätta dig i kallvatten vissa dar. Överhuvudtaget en välskött och seriös ridresa där guiderna anpassade sig efter gruppen och vi fick en minnesvärd upplevelse i vacker natur med fina ponnys! Jag är mycket nöjd och kan rekommendera resan till alla som vill rida en utmanande trail i bergen. :)
Elin F.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
The communication between Hippotours and the riding centre in Kolasin could have been better. The pickup got the wrong time and was very stressed out when we arrived. The riding and nature was fantastic! Also all the people we met who opened their homes for us. Very friendly people! It would have been good with more breaks during riding. Many hours without a stop sometimes. A bit rusched schedule maybe. Also we had a guide who never before been on a horse. He could galopp or ride steep hills and he let the other guide do most of the job. The other guide (in front) was really good, caring and helpful. In general it was a wonderful trip and I will go back to my memories with a smile.
Andrea L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
Resan var fantastisk men jag hade velat ha mer utförlig info innan om standarden på boendena etc så att jag hade kunnat anpassa min packning.
Karoline E.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Alt for meget skridten. Alt for lidt (ingen) trav. Fint med galop. Suppe hver dag :-/
Jon A.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
meget smukt område,udelukkende langsomt skridt de første 3 dage,sidste dag fint rideterræn,hvor gallop så nærmest foregik som et race. plads til forbedringer mht til forplejning mv. kan godt anbefale turen.
Michael V.
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Yderligere bemærkninger: We loved everything at Kambaku. The staff, the horses, the lodge, the service, ... Benedikte
Vänligen värder din resa enligt:
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastisk resa! Jättefina hästar och utmärkt bemötande på lodgen. Rekommenderas!
Karolina E.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Simpelthen en oplevelse i top-klasse. Har INTET der kunne have været bedre, samt alt fra personalet, stedet, hestene og oplevelsen i helhed var LANGT mere gfantastisk end vi havde turde drømme om.
Camilla B. G.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Royal treatment hele veien. Fantastisk opplevelse inkludert trygge fine hester, safari, mat og overnatting. Alle var veldig serviceinnstilte og hjelpsomme. Nydelig sted reise gjerne tilbake!
Lena M.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Älskade detta! Härliga hästar, välskött, vänligt, ombonat, omtänksamt. Otroligt bra service och maten var makalöst god. Ett behagligt lugn är inbyggt i lodgen, omtanken är osynlig - men finns där 100%. Få gäster. Fantastiskt ställe. Helt fantastiskt.
Lena E.
Tusinde tak for et fantastisk veltilrettelagt og super godt program. Centret er virkelig sine 5 stjerner værd i Guld Skønne mennesker, lækkert sted, dyrene – altså de vilde - lige udenfor døren, dejlige heste og meget meget mere. Det er helt umuligt at beskrive alle de fantastiske oplevelser der stod i kø, så vi kunne nå det hele. Det er ikke sidste gang vi har rejst med Hippo Tours.
mange hilsner fra en glad mor – der tog sine to voksne døtre med
Ridsafari i Namibia är en av de bästa upplevelser jag gjort! Att se giraffer på 30 meters avstånd är magiskt. Safari Lodge är mycket välkommande att bo på. Du upplever djuren nära inpå. Hästarna är välutbildade och pålitliga. Passar både nybörjare som mycket vana ryttare. Vill du ha ett minne för livet rekommenderar jag denna typ av resa!
Jag vill tacka för den helt fantastiska ridresan till Namibia.
De som hade hand om lodgen var alla så fantastiska att det inte finns ord nog. Jag åker gärna dit igen och har rekommenderat den till flera.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dina kommentarer är mycket välkomna: Fantastisk trevlig gård och värdfamilj. Väldigt flexibla och lyhörda för sina gästers önskemål. Alla faciliteter på gården var väl genomtänkta och väl fungerande. Fina hästar, bra tempo, vackra vyer och härligt underlag att rida på. En gård som har mycket att erbjuda, vi kommer gärna tillbaka igen nästa år.
Katharina N. med 3 vänninor.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vil lige fortælle dig at vi har haft en fantastisk tur til Lofoten.... alle pengene værd🤠
Gode friske tøltende heste, fantastisk natur... noget over en del stok og sten og nok ikke helt for begyndere, men eventyrlig oplevelse. Gården var et rart sted, meget søde og betænksomme... vi blev behandlet som prinsesser.... måske vi var de eneste på turen. Maden vi fik at spise var nærmest gourmet hver eneste dag.... der kan Island godt pakke sammen. Meget hyglig restaurant, hvor unge mennesker fra hele verden arbejdede..... international stemning på trods af, at man faktisk var på et ret øde sted👍
Faktisk er jeg glad for, at vi kom til Lofoten istedet for Island..... det bliver ikke sidste gang. Så jeg vil også gerne være prøvekanin for Hippotours😂
Bettina L.
hei, June,
håper du har det bra.
jeg vil bare si at rideferien til Lofoten var helt fantastisk!
anbefales på det varmeste.
tusen takk for tips og hjelp.
hilsen Gro og Ellinor
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
My daughter and I had a fantastic journey and experience. Thank you Maria, Eddy, Fernando and Willie for great days!
Gro S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Generelt en veldig bra tur. Flotte hester (spreke og trygge) fint rideterreng og veldig hjelpsomme og hyggelige folk/arrangører. Vil absolutt anbefale turen til andre. 2-3 ridedager var litt korte (sen start kl 11-12 og lange lunsjpauser 2-3t).
Med vennlig hilsen Lena
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg var veldig fornøyd med hesten, den var vennlig, og veldig sterk og utholdende. Også pluss for en fint og variert terreng.
Tore L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Generelt en veldig bra tur. Flotte hester (spreke og trygge) fint rideterreng og veldig hjelpsomme og hyggelige folk/arrangører. Vil absolutt anbefale turen til andre. 2-3 ridedager var litt korte (sen start kl 11-12 og lange lunsjpauser 2-3t).
Med vennlig hilsen Lena
This was wild over my expectations. A true memory for Life. Thank you Hippotours Maria, Arthur and all involved. Hope to see you soon again.
Vi hadde en flott tur til Polen og er godt fornøyd. Vi hadde kun positive opplevelser selv om været de første dagene kunne vært bedre. Men det har vel ikke du kontroll på! Vi var kjempefornøyde med hestene, de passet godt til vårt nivå. Guiden vi hadde var veldig flink og vi hadde fantastiske rideturer rundt i fjellene. Nydelig natur og flotte opplevelser samt trivelig bosted med knallgod frokost.
Vennlig hilsen Annbjørg, Mona og Gunn.
How was the reception:
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En skøn tur, hvor man virkeligt får meget for pengene. Hyggeligt og rent værelse på gæstehuset. Dejlig mad. Hestene var meget store! Men det er gode og velopdragne turheste. Ridning i bjergene, hvor der både er skov og græssletter. Her er mulighed for nogle dejlige galopper. Jeg vil meget gerne tilbage en anden gang.
Birgit H.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 2
How was the food: 1
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Mia F.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Leif og Anita S-H på kort uge-turridning
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dette sted er helt genialt. Hotellet er beliggende midt i vinmarker og olivenlunde. Et smukt landligt landskab. Vi blev passet af et meget åbent og imødekommende personale, der gav en ægte følelse af velkomst. Hotellet er hjemsted for et par, oprindeligt herreløse katte. De hilste på os ved ankomsten og så ud til også at nyde at have gæster. Hotellet virker ret nyt og alt fra restaurant til værelser er meget flot. Atmosfæren på hotellet er alt sammen indbydende, varm, afslappet og luksuriøs - du kan virkelig ikke gå galt med dette sted. Maden var traditionelle portugisiske retter lavet af gode råvarer, hvoraf mange var hentet lokalt. Med vinmarker laver de deres egen vin, og hvis du kan lide gode vine, gør det alene dette sted et besøg værd. Deres olivenolie er i en liga for sig - dejligt! Gården driver også et krisecenter for hjemløse hunde, fik vi at vide mere end hundrede. Hundene blev holdt på store åbne områder og så meget velplejede ud. Vi blev ikke en eneste gang forstyrret af hundeglam. Vi kom for ridningen..... To lektioner om dagen i "avanceret dressur". Hestene, vi red, var uddannet til øvelser op til grand prix og kunne passage, piaffe osv. Nuno, der holdt lektioner, var en god instruktør, afslappet og behagelig. Vi havde vores lektioner på engelsk, og det fungerede fint. En strålende anmeldelse, men de fortjener det virkelig. Vi ønsker stærkt at vende tilbage til dette sted. Det var virkelig noget!
Kristine H.
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Mona N.
Just hemkommen efter en härlig ridresa. Vi började i Spanien och red långritt till den stora hästfesten Golega i Portugal på en vecka.Vi red i fantastisk härlig blandad natur. Eukalyptusplantage, korkekar, små byar. Många gånger fick vi rida genom fält med kor. Vilka ingav en viss respekt med sina väldiga horn.Thank you for a wonderful week.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Natalie A.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Sybille is an extraordinary great person, who has a huge knowledge of both horses and human beings. Keep things going in a calm and friendly way. I has had a great week!
Jette H.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 1
How was the accommodation: 1
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 1
Did the tour meet your expectations: 1
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Rytternes rideerfaringer var for forskellige, hvorfor turene var røvsyge, idet vi red ekstremt langsomt. 2 af hestene levede overhoved ikke op til kravene for turheste. Værelset havde vinduer ud til en skakt. Meget ucharmerende. For mig var det en stor skuffelse og mange penge for ingenting. Jeg skulle hellere være blevet hjemme. På intet tidspunkt fik vi lov at mærke hestenes potentiale, ØV. Jeg kommer ikke til at holde en sådan ferie igen. Desuden erfarede jeg at de andre deltagere havde betalt noget mindre for deres tur. Alt i alt en rigtig dårlig oplevelse
Lone P. (sammen med Jette H. - se ovenfor)
Really nice people, well trained horses - in good shape, the equipment was fault free, and made an entire day in the saddle an easy task. - It also helped to be in the beautiful surroundings with the wide pasture lands and changing scenery! A big recommendation from me!
Mycket ridning genom fantastisk natur med korkekar och blomsterängar mil efter mil. Maten var så vällagad, god och vackert upplagd varenda måltid. Vilken omsorg. Hästarna var välskötta, lugna och har det bra hos Sybille på ranchen. Hon och hennes medarbetare Elke var ett samspelt team; allt flöt på smidigt och det hela var oerhört professionellt genomfört! Det finns ingenting att klaga på, bara lovord!
Carita L.
Hej June, Resan var helt fantastisk och Sibylle o Elke var väl värda att lära känna. Tidpunkten på året var också perfekt - allt blommade och det var lagom varmt. Stor kram o tack för en upplevelse som jag kommer minnas tills jag dör.
Eva J
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Yderligere bemærkninger: Beautiful place cared for the details. Friendly and and helpfull staff. Good instructors and horses.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastisk sted - lækre heste, super undervisning, imødekommende medarbejdere, luksus omgivelser og hyggeligt samvær i mellem gæsterne
Jennifer B.
Det var den mest fantastiske og gennemførte oplevelse. Fantastisk heste og utrolige skønne ansatte på stedet - uagtet deres funktion. Helt bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg er på Monte Velho
Mariann J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5:
Great service in changing the plans due to COVID-19 from both Hippo Tours and from the resort. Instructors were good at fulfilling special training requests. We would both love to come back.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Den tur var alt hvad jeg havde håbet på den ville være. Hestene var fantastiske, værelset var over alt forventning og jeg har lært mere på den uge end jeg har de sidste to år herhjemme. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg tager derned. Den eneste negative ting at sige var at det desværre blev den varmeste uge (op til 39 grader) de har haft hele året, men det er jo kun vejrguderne man kan bebrejde der ;)
Sabrina W.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Absolut det mest fantastiske sted :)) Alt er i topklasse .... personale, hestene, stedet, interiør 👌👌👌👌👌 Vi vil tilbage og talte om det allerede dag 1👌
Annabel P.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Malene J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Camilla M.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En helt fantastisk uge ...!!!
Karsten L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Marie F.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Det 1. Spm er ikke relevant, men fordi det ikke er noen recepsion, men vi ble fantastisk mottatt. Siste spm.: Jeg savnet en liten melding når jeg kom til Portugal og skulle finne frem til rette stedet. Da var det lenge siden jeg hadde fått noe info fra dere... Og jeg trodde kanskje det skulle komme en veibeskrivelse. Jeg tenkte kanskje at de vi skulle til ikke var forberedt på at vi kom. Men, alt dette gikk veldig fint!!! Stedet er fantastisk! Menneskene også! Og hestene, de kan vi bare takke!!! En formidabel opplevelse for livet! Tusen takk til dere !
Anne Bente G.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 2
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg havde booked turridning to dage om ugen. Pga varmen og manglende personale fik jeg en tur ridning og 4 dressur lektioner. Det var ok. Jeg ville dig have ønsket og få at vide på forhånd at der var en chance for store ændringer i mit ride program.
Janni N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Maria Elisa A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Der var lidt misinformation fra Hippo Tours til stedet, så det trak lidt ned - stedet havde ikke helt fået de specifikke rideønsker, som vi havde bedt om - men det løste sig heldigvis med stedets personale :)
Lene og Anette
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Charlotte M.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hanne M. A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Everything was amazing and well-planned and executed! I recommend it to everybody I know.
Helena V.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Nice treat from June at Hippo tour from the very first contact. The place was excellent. Good horses. Beautiful place. The owners treated us all very personal. I really hope to come back.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Den bedste ferie vi nogensinde har været på! Og alt tak til Hippo Tours for at gøre det til virkelighed.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi taler om at booke endnu en ture. Denne gang med mere dressur.
May Britt og Henrik
Det er det mest fantastiske ridested jeg har oplevet, forår i Portugal overgår bare alle forventninger. Stedet skal opleves, kan ikke beskrives
Trine B.
Suveræn ferie og et helt fantastisk sted, som vi helt klar skal tilbage til :-)
Det var en usædvanlig god og flot tur. Søde unge mennesker der hjalp med at komme op på hesten o.s.v.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding:
Did the tour meet your expectations:
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Utmärkta hästar, de bästa jag ridit. Snälla mot ryttarna och varandra, känsliga, vackra, lyhörda, framåt och väl omhändetagna. Jag skulle ha uppskattat lite mer fart på turerna. Vi blev mycket väl omhändetagna.
Yvonne V.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Har varit här flera gånger på detta ställe och ser redan fram emot näst resa hit
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vill du rida på riktigt skolade hästar och få ridlektioner som kommer att utveckla din ridning så rekommenderar jag detta ställe.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Kommer definitivt att åka tillbaka till dem, bästa ridlektioner jag haft med mycket trevliga instruktörer och bra hästar. Tyvärr luktade mitt rum lite fukt som satte sig i kläderna, önskar att de hade vädrat ut rummet ordentligt. Planerar redan en resa tillbaka!
Mvh Elisabeth R.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Det 1. Spm er ikke relevant, men fordi det ikke er noen recepsion, men vi ble fantastisk mottatt. Siste spm.: Jeg savnet en liten melding når jeg kom til Portugal og skulle finne frem til rette stedet. Da var det lenge siden jeg hadde fått noe info fra dere... Og jeg trodde kanskje det skulle komme en veibeskrivelse. Jeg tenkte kanskje at de vi skulle til ikke var forberedt på at vi kom. Men, alt dette gikk veldig fint!!! Stedet er fantastisk! Menneskene også! Og hestene, de kan vi bare takke!!! En formidabel opplevelse for livet! Tusen takk til dere !
Anne Bente G.
Fantastisk uge med undervisning og heste på et niveau, som jeg ikke har prøvet før. Som rytter på LB3-niveau er det altså ærefrygtindgydende at ride hingste, der går m- og prix st. georges. Antonio Borba Monteiro er virkelig en suveræn underviser, der forklarer og roser rytteren for de fremskridt, der rytteren oplever pga. af den gode instruktion og forklaring,som han giver. Super sted og mega søde mennesker med stor hesteforstand
Venligst vurder følgende på en skala fra 1-5 :
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Yderligere bemærkninger: fantastisk tur (jeg rejste solo). De er så søde på farmen. Lidt forvirring i starten ved bestilling, men det fik vi hurtigt styr på. Rejsebeskrivelsen er opdateret nu, det er rigtig godt - det var den ikke da jeg bestilte.
Line K.
Johanne og jeg hadde en fantastisk uke i Skotland i juni/juli! Vi ble tatt godt i mot av Maureen som viste seg å være vennligheten og imøtekommenheten selv. De øvrige gjestene var en større gjeng med unge jenter, og Maureen og co klarte å tilpasse ridetimer og turer slik at alle fikk noe å bryne seg på. Jeg var i utgangspunktet ikke så begeistret for tanken på ridetimer på bane, -jeg er mer ri-på-tur-i-skogen-type, men det var jo veldig gøy! Så for første gang i mitt liv red jeg galopp på bane, og jeg prøvde meg også på å hoppe over noen hindre, med brukbart resultat. Paul var en flink og hyggelig ridelærer. Den lange rideturen til New Lanark var veldig fin, vi galopperte mye, og det var også fint å ri på den gamle galoppbanen og på småturer i nærområdet. Johanne, som har hatt ridetimer og –opplæring i mange år, var også fornøyd, bl.a med feltritt-timene.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Katrin K.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Flot landskab med mange led,som skulle åbnes og lukkes .Mest skridt ,lidt trav og få ultrakorte gallopper. Der var 10 ryttere + 2 guider.12 heste var mange nok i de små bakker. Hestene var af forskellig størrelse. og skridtlængde.Min hest var en stor(175) appaloosa og noget grumpy og hård i munden i starten,den blev efterhånden samarbejdsvillig,men den fik sjældent rigtig plads og sparkede noget efter de andre heste.Stobo castle var et dejligt sted . Det andet slot blev pga overbooking erstattet af et mere ordinært golfhotel. Lunch var stående med en tunsandwich i den en hånd og hest i den anden. Turen var fin.
Michael V.
hei June,vi hadde en flott tur med the Castle Trail i Skottland, vi kan varmt anbefale denne, tusen takk for hjelp og info! og fortsatt god sommer.
Gro m/ familie fra Oslo
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
It would have been nice if Hippo tours had given us a link to the Equestrian Center, so we could have seen the route and maybe brought som bathingsuits : ) (for the spa-hotels) I was generally very pleased with the Castle trail, but it would have been even better, if we had been a smaller group. We were 10 persons, and that was too many. Thank you very much for a great Holiday : )
Bodil A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
I missed the first English lesson since I did not receive information regarding time and place. The food was not as expected: it was very simple (eg white bread with ham, a piece of fruit and a chokolate bar for lunch) and we were not offered an evening snack as described in the papers. The staff at the ranch was very nice and helpfull and the horses was well trained and taken good care of. I had a fun and educational trip.
Inge B. L.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Havde måske forventet lidt bedre heste, ellers en fantastisk tur
Gitte H.
fin fin modtagelse på hotellet, og vi fandt selv
over på ridecentret (lå jo lige udenfor vinduet), men der var ingen
tilstede, så vi gik på stranden. Senere kontaktede de os via sms, og bad os
komme over, så det var ok. Ellers var alt superfint, og vi havde en skøn tur
over al forventning!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Alt var bare flott :) :)
Øystein B.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Everything exceeded our expectations! The hotel was wonderful (right at the beach with a great pool and restaurant and helpfull staff), the location perfect (not too far from the airport and close to Tarifa which was a very nice little town) and the horses and roding amazing! I really loved the philosophy and the style of riding, it felt very respectful towards the horses. I''d recommend this trip to anyone!
Anna J.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Great tour
Lise S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Josefine S.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 2
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
1. När vi väl anlänt så visste vi faktiskt inte var eller när vi skulle träffa någon på ranchen. Hade velat ha tydligare instruktioner. 2. Boendet var inte så kul. Läskig väg att passera. 3. Gulliga guider på ridturen 4. Vi trodde vi skulle ingå i någon ridgrupp, men det var bara vi, vilket kändes lite konstigt. Hade varit roligare med fler deltagare. 5. Sen hade vi maximal otur med vädret. Vi hade två heldagar då vi skulle rida, varav en inte gick att vistas ute - oväder och ihållande skyfall. Dag två duggregn. Eftersom vi själva "valde" att inte rida, så var det inte tal om ersättning....
Karin T.
Hej June
Mine døtre og jeg har haft den bedste døtre/mor tur ever.
Det var så godt det hele og vi nød naturen og hestene i fulde drag.
Perfekt kombi af rideferie og sol ferie i dette skønne område.
Du har været helt fantastisk med din service og dine hurtige svar på mine utallige spørgsmål. Tak for det.
Rie F
Vi har nu kommit hem från vår resa och allt fungerade toppenbra! Vi är mycket nöjda.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
En fantastisk resa totalt sett, återvänder mer än gärna! Fantastisk vackert hörn av Spanien. Blev väl omhändertagen på ridcentrat, välskötta, lugna och fina hästar. Mycket bra boende på Dos Mares.
Marie A.
Rideferien ved Hotel Dos Mares har for os (min datter på 12 og jeg) været en helt igennem ualmindelig uforglemmelig ferie. Den har været så fuld af naturskønne sanserige oplevelser og skønt samvær med dejlige heste og venlige mennesker, at den egentlig er vanskelig at beskrive dækkende med ord. Mange af mine billeder siger mere end ord kan beskrive - der mangler kun duften af forår fra buske, træer, græs og blomster, duften af hav, lyden af bølgebrus, følelsen af lunende sol og forfriskende havvind. Men selv alle disse billeder giver kun et lille indblik i omfanget af de billeder, som vi i virkeligheden er kommet hjem med i erindringen.
Ridcentret i Tarifa är ett ställe att varmt rekommendera!
En bättre helhetsupplevelse kan jag inte tänka mig, allt från ridningen, naturen, läget och boendet.
Strand -och bergsritterna i ett fantastiskt vackert landskap.
Personalen var duktiga, lyhörda och bra handledare. Det hela var genomtänkt och mycket professionellt utfört!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jättebra men tuff vecka. Hästarna,naturen och guiden var toppen. Kan vara bra att ta med åksjukemedecin då två bil resor är jobbiga. Spanska sadlar är inget för mig men det gick det också.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Kunne ønsket en ridetime i oppstart, da ridestil er veldig forskjellig fra hjemme. Brukte mye tid og energi på å få til dette på turen. Kunne godt ha vært en litt mindre gruppe, det ble mange beskjeder og oppstilling flr gallopp, to damer falt av på stranden, da hestene var veldig ivrige. Personlig setter jeg pris på ivrige hester. Noe dårlig oversettelse ang. pakkeliste bl.a skotøy, neste gang var det flere som ville ta med joggesko. Hikingshoes er store turstøvler på norsk, de ble igjen hjemme i varmen. Vi hadde perfekt vær! Litt vind som holdt insektene unna! Fantastiske hester!
Ranveig N.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jag hade önskat fler tillfällen att galoppera. Vissa dagar inga galopper, andra två, tre gånger. Vi blev väl omhändertagna och guide och chaufför var jättetrevliga.
Lena E.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Gert H. M.
Mycket väl organiserat, guiderna mycket trevliga, hästarna välhanterade. Vill gärna prova fler kortare trail innan jag ev. Gör Jereztrailen, eftersom ranchen var mycket trevlig att återvända till efter varje dags ridning.
Trevlig introduktion till trailridning, bra för att våga testa men fortfarande utmanande. Hästarna var runda och fina och har det bra. Enkelt men bra städat boende. Maten som lagas på plats var typisk andalusisk och god. Nöjd med resan och kommer prova en längre trail.
En välskött ranch, hästarna har det bra och personalen är kunniga och trevliga! Rummen fina och välstädade och maten super god! Allt var perfekt!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Överväldigande, fantastiskt, underbart❤️En upplevelse för livet och en lisa för kropp och själ i en helt otroligt vacker miljö och med hästar, boende, service utöver det vanliga🐎
Camilla J.
Mycket väl organiserat, guiderna mycket trevliga, hästarna välhanterade. Vill gärna prova fler kortare trail innan jag ev. Gör Jereztrailen, eftersom ranchen var mycket trevlig att återvända till efter varje dags ridning.
Trevlig introduktion till trailridning, bra för att våga testa men fortfarande utmanande. Hästarna var runda och fina och har det bra. Enkelt men bra städat boende. Maten som lagas på plats var typisk andalusisk och god. Nöjd med resan och kommer prova en längre trail.
En välskött ranch, hästarna har det bra och personalen är kunniga och trevliga! Rummen fina och välstädade och maten super god! Allt var perfekt!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Allting var egentligen över förväntan förutom att det var för många ridtimmar varje dag ,8 timmar i sadeln är väldigt tufft i värmen och nästan inga vilostunder. De dagar som vi hade rast efter 4 timmar och fick mat i venta var jättebra, men de andra dagarna utmattande. fina hästar men en i gruppen hade otur och fick byta häst flera gånger pga skadade hästar.
Inga.Maj C.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Charlotte K.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
The horses were exellent and were well taken care off. The guides were nice. The spanish saddles were fantastic, but we missed trotting and we were moustley walking. It was quite hot during our stay and the swimmingpool was great
Anne Sofie
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Kim Ø.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hej, Det enda som vi var överraskade över var att ägaren av ranchen är tyska och att alla guider oxå var tyska, österrikare eller schweizare så huvudspråket på ranchen var tyska. Det som dock var väldigt bra var att alla guider pratade mycket bra engelska så det fungerade finfint ändå, vi hade dock uppskattat att få den informationen innan bokning för att vara förberedda. Jag talar hyfsad tyska så det var till hjälp ibland när vi pratade med övriga gäster som inte pratade så bra engelska.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Therese H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
We had an very nice vacation. The Ranch is the perfect place to be when you want sun, bath and riding......We´ll come back:)
Eva, Monica & Pernilla
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 2
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 2
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Blev besviken på ridningen då det stod att det krävdes erfarenhet 3-5 så trodde jag helt klart att det skulle krävas lite av ridningen, men att skritta I 2 timmar, lite klättring och 2 minuters galopp kan vilken nybörjare som helst klara av. Men ranchen,, hästar och personal var underbara, lite dålig information bara och man fick hela tiden fråga för att få information, men väldigt tillmöteskommande och hjälpsamma. Men en helt underbar semester trots mycket regn så missade en dags ridning, men tack vare andra resenärer blev det en mycket lyckad semester trots vädret.
Heidi W.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Väldigt trevlig ranch, personal och hästar/hästhållning. Tyvärr lite tråkig ridning med samma ridvägar, nybörjare i samma grupp och 95% skritt. Överlag är vi ändå väldigt nöjda med en trevlig resa till ett bra pris!
Anna J.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Helt fantastisk resa. Kommer absolut att åka igen. Otroligt fina och välskötta hästar. Kände mig trygg och säker både med guiderna och hästarnas temperament. Maten var supergod och vällagad. Var först osäker på att åka själv men efter denna erfarenhet kommer jag alltid att göra denna typ av resa själv då man träffar så härliga människor.
Helena C.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Toppen resa, kan absolut tänka oss att komma tillbaka.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Marie F.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Velholdte og fine hester. Veldig hyggelige guider og personale forøvrig på ranchen. Jeg hadde booket en så lang tur at det skulle bli en overnattingstur; det ble det dessverre ikke noe av. Litt usikker på av hvilken grunn, men ser at det er utfordringer så lenge "folk kommer og går" til ulike tider, og det må være et visst antall deltakere for å gjennomføre en slik tur. Hadde fine turer i området rundt ranchen. Fikk ridetur på stranden - fantastisk! Det til tross for at det er klart enklere å gjennomføre utenom turistsesongen pga. stor bruk av strandarealet. Et sted jeg godt kan anbefale, og kan tenke meg å dra tilbake til. Føles trygt og godt så lenge Hippo Tour har testet opplegget før turene legges inn i programmet.
Anita K. M.
En toppen vistelse och utmärkt service från både ranchen och Hippo tours. Guiderna var helt fantastiska och kunniga kan varmt rekommendera detta ställe till andra det var bättre än förväntningarna.
Velholdte og fine hester. Veldig hyggelige guider og personale forøvrig på ranchen. Jeg hadde booket en så lang tur at det skulle bli en overnattingstur; det ble det dessverre ikke noe av. Litt usikker på av hvilken grunn, men ser at det er utfordringer så lenge "folk kommer og går" til ulike tider, og det må være et visst antall deltakere for å gjennomføre en slik tur. Hadde fine turer i området rundt ranchen. Fikk ridetur på stranden - fantastisk! Det til tross for at det er klart enklere å gjennomføre utenom turistsesongen pga. stor bruk av strandarealet. Et sted jeg godt kan anbefale, og kan tenke meg å dra tilbake til. Føles trygt og godt så lenge Hippo Tour har testet opplegget før turene legges inn i programmet.
Anita M.
Otroligt fina och välmående hästar. Roligt att det fanns allt från lugna långsamma till nerviga snabba hästar. Den hemmalagade maten var super och bra att det var så mycket vegetariskt. Positivt at det fanns pool på ranchen, det hade inte framgått under bokningen. Väldigt bra resa!
Ida S.
Ett stort plus för mycket snabb och personlig service vid bokningen. Ännu större plus för ranchen och hästarna som var välridna, välskötta och en fröjd att hantera. Hann rida trender två dagar och alla var fantastiska. Guiderna på ranchen var snabba och mycket hjälpsamma
Mange takk for fantastisk god service, tilrettelegging og oppfølging i forberedelsene. Og takk for en flott rideferie i Andalucia! Jeg har hatt det fantastisk, selv om jeg har reist alene. Frister til gjentagelse ved senere anledning. Vil anbefale dere videre til kjente.
We had a fantastic tour - 4 is only given because we would have liked a little more galopping. The horses and guides were pefect - more than we expected. The ranch is a beutiful place - and they were good at dividing us into groups with beginners and experienced. We had rented a car at the airport, that was nice so we could go to the beach, but unnecessary - also because there was'nt much time between morning and afternoon riding. We want to give our best recommendations for beginners and little experienced riders.
Første tur til Andalusien - Stjerneturen var hyggelig og en rigtig god intro. En prøvetur om hvor meget ridning min 2 x opereret ryg kunne holde til. Da vi så kendte stedet og ryggen havde det fint, bestilte vi med det samme næste tur, som så blev til Ronda trailen. Super tur.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jag och min dotter (9 år) hade en fantastisk resa. Vi bara älskar denna ranchen
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Allt var så vackert på Ranchen . Många fina hästar . Bra handledare , som var lyhörda och mycket noggranna . Maten var så bra , Hela resan var en oförglömlig upplevelse , oslagbar natur att rida i.
Renée E.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
As I knew nothing about horses and had never been on one, I had no idea of what was to expect. I certainly had not reckoned on being able to experience the fantastic surrondings around the farm on horseback twice a day for a week. I travelled with my somewhat more experienced niece. She would have liked a bit more "pace" from time to time, but in general also she had a wonderful time. And by the way, what''s to complain about when the sun is shining and the sky is blue.
Anne H.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
En mysig ranch, trevlig och omtänksam personal. Lite avsides lokaliserat och lite att göra när man inte red. Föreslog att man skulle ha cyklar så att man kunde ta sig någonstans. Enkelt, hemtrevligt och ordning o reda. Men miljön är härlig o hästarna fantastiska o trygga. Så lite mer mat/fika o cyklar så är det full score.
Susanne O.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Horses well kept and well trained for trail. The young girls at the ranch were very nice and helpfull and hardworking. Food was average but ok - the regular cook was on holiday. When asked on the day of arrival we told that we dont eat pork. Still we were served pork on several occasions ..?? I guess that was what they had in the fridge that week. We didnt go to bed hungry though. So no big deal for us.
Michael J.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fin ranch med meget imødekommende personale og ok (ikke luksuriøse) faciliteter. Dog forestår undervisning primært af meget unge tyske piger, der knapt kan engelsk. Hestene er meget rolige og veltrænede, så alle kan trygt deltage. Turene i bjergene er ufatteligt smukke, dog kan 6 dage i skridtgang synes lidt "kedelige".
Lise P.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastisk tur i skønne omgivelser. Virkelig gode heste.. Vedr heste og ridning- er alt til hestenes fordel hvilker er fantastisk.. Jeg synes dog der var meget ventetid når nye rytterne skulle introduceres- hvilket godt kunne ha været arrangeret bedre.. Og så lige lidt mere galop🏇😊
Majbritt G.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 1
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 2
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 2
Did the tour meet your expectations: 2
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Guiderne var små piger på 17-18 år. De havde intet overblik og red som om de var alene på tur. Ud af 18 timers ridning fik vi lov at galoppere 3x1 minut på heste som nærmest ikke var til at drive afsted. Ring evt. For yderligere detaljer.
Stine G.
It was all in all just an amazing experience and trip, and its definetly not my last time! The horses were amazing and really easy to manage, its been my first experience where the horses did what you told Them, which made you, with the company of the guide, feel really safe! When they say its all about the horses, then its true- 7 amazing days and nothing better than waking up to the lovely smell of a horse! I would recommend this to anyone, especially if you want to try a different riding than the english style- the doma vaquero is really relaxed and you don''t feel your in the saddle for 5 hours a day! So 5 stars from me all the way!
Jag som nybörjare tyckte att det var perfekt, rolig variation i landskapet som trots ett lugnt temp gav mycket. Hade en jättesnäll häst som jag, trots min ringa erfarenhet, kunde styra, även ifrån andra hästar. Nu var vi där på lågsäsong så då finns det tyvärr inte alternativ som att rida på stranden som man kan göra annars men som tur är var tre dagar precis lagom, längre och man hade blivit uttråkad, särskilt om man redan kan rida då det inte var särskilt utmanande ridning tekniskt.
Fantastic guides on the ranch. Very helpful and patient. Very sweet horses.
Det var ganske enkelt fantastisk. min 9 årige datter havde kun redet 5 gange på ponyer på en rideskole. nu galloperer hun disse store dejlige heste.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
This was absolutely amazing. Everything exceeded our expectations, and the horse riding was outstanding in marvelous surroundings. The instructor was very skilled, kind and forthcoming to meet our needs and the horses were wonderful. We can definitely recommend this to riders of all levels - this place has something for everyone. We went in December which was a great time weatherwise.
Ida W.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Fina hästar och trevligt att se bra hästhållning. Hårda sängar och saknade conditioner, annars var boendet jättebra. Receptionskillen var inte så kunnig när vi kom men tjejen nästa morgon lösta våra frågetecken. Hästarna var fina och väldigt snälla. Kanske att man velat ha dem något känsligare men jag förstår att det är svårt när man driver den här typen av verksamhet. Tack för en superfin resa!
Annika F.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vi havde en fantastisk tur
Maria H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Resan i helhet översteg mina förväntningar med råge. Jag blev mycket väl mottagen på hotellet och hos Klaartje. Ridningen och omsorgen om hästarna höll mycket god standard. Tur med vädret påverkade naturligtvis helhetsintrycket. Enda nackdelen jag kan hitta är osäkerheten hur jag skulle ta mig till Tarifa. Glad att jag valde att hyra bil så att jag kunde tillbringa den lediga tiden med att upptäcka omgivningen. Tipset om Malagacar var värdefullt, det fungerade perfekt. Tack för en underbar upplevelse! Jag återkommer.
Ulla G.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
We had a great tour, it´s was perfect, and the nature stunning. Klaartje did a great job, and we enjoyed it all, we want to come back :)
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Michael V.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jeg havde en fantastisk tur og som en første rideferie var det en perfekt intro. Det ville være fedt, hvis der lige havde været et kvarters intro inden vi red. Mange af os der var med havde aldrig prøvet stangbid og det er lidt intimiderende at sidde med det i hænderne, når man er vant til "normale" bid. Jeg er helt med på at det jo er en del af turens natur (vinruten som indebærer en del ridning gennem byer og på vej) men kunne måske godt have ønsket mig lidt mere varieret/udfordrende ridning. Et forslag til forbedring ifht det kunne måske være, at man en af de kortere dage fik mulighed for en time eller to med teknik og introduktion til den særlige spanske "western"-ridning. Måske er det for anstrengende for hestene, men kunne være fedt og det ville skabe lidt variation, så det ikke "kun" blev transport-ridning rundt til vingårdene. Min hest fik et sadelsår undervejs og det blev jeg ret ked af at se. Men jeg har lige fået et billede af den fra en af guiderne, hvor hun viste, at den var helet igen. Det var meget betænksomt gjort og jeg blev glad for den opfølgning. Jeg skal helt sikkert afsted igen!
Rebekka J. K.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastisk tur🏇🏽😃bra hästar, otroliga boende, underbar ridterräng, superservice o guider. Denna tur rekommenderas. varmt. Du kommer inte att vara hungrig-tre rätters x 2/ dag
Kerstin O.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Vilken fantastisk resa vi hade! Inte långt från 10 poäng på allt. Härliga vältränade pigga hästar, riktigt fina hotell och väldigt bra mat. Kunniga och trevliga guider. Därtill kanonväder och trevligt sällskap :)
Brita K.
Bara trevligt att rida med dig ❤️ Ser redan fram emot nästa resa .Hoppas vi ses då 😀
Kerstin S.
Tack för en trevlig resa! Det var en av de absolut bästa resorna vi varit på.
God mat och vin, trevliga ledare och sällskap, fantastisk natur och boende. Och vi slapp regn, hurra!
Hoppas vi kan hitta en lika fin resa igen och att du gör oss sällskap!
Gunilla B.
Det gik jo rigtig fint. Godt selskab og flotte landskaber i strålende sol. Super hoteller, mad og vin og hest! Så 5 stjerner!
Michael V.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
The guide Paloma was outstanding and the horses were great in all aspects :-) However, the pace was slower than we had hoped for.
Helle H.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 2
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
In many Ways excellent and a fantastic Experience with excellent horse and nice guides, excellent food and hotels. But you gave no info about meeting point at airport, wrong info about tour at your website. There were also Poor info about schedule for the day: OK often but when there was raining and we were very cold some info about schedule could have prevented one week of flu. Other riders did not meet demands of riding skill. But I''m happy I booked the tour!
Lotta D.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Tore L.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Helt fantastisk resa! Underbara hästar, fart och fläkt med bästa guiden Nacho! Åker mer än gärna dit en gång till! .
Karina B.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
maten kan vara bättre även hjälp med hästar/pick nick mm då det ofta inte fanns någon hjälp alls. På alla andra resor jag varit på har det alltid funnits mer hjälp med hästar, ta fram lunch mat mm
Charlotte B.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Turen var perfekt! Det blandade sällskapet i gruppen, från två norska tjejer runt 30 till Sue på 79 och oss 3 män däremellan tillsammans med vår fantastiska guide Nicki och killen från ranchen som servade oss under resan gjorde denna resa till ett minne för livet! Hästarna var jättefina och var välhållna. Under turen var det alltid de som skulle tas om hand först med mat och vatten innan det blev vår tur. Detta kändes väldigt bra.
Anders E.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 3
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 3
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 3
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
De tre första dagarna hade vi Rudy som guide vilket var fantastiskt. Resterande två dagar hade vi en kvinnlig guide som tog det mycket lugnare och ridningen blev stundtals seg. Så vilken guide du får är helt avgörande!
Anna S.
Ytterligare en fantastisk trail i Katalonien! En ritt i högt tempo med perfekt ridväder. Jag rekommenderar alla att åka hit, framförallt om du är sugen på en aktiv semester med mycket ridning. God mat, mysigt boende och välskötta och fantastiska hästar. Guiderna har stor kunskap om områdena man rider igenom och om hästar, de bjuder på sig själva och gör sitt yttersta för att gästerna ska trivas. Hit ska man åka om man vill se det riktiga Spanien bortom turistattraktionerna. Jag kommer definitivt att återvända för att göra en annan trail! Utomordentlig service från Hippotours som vanligt, tack June!
Hotellen var supermysiga och maten jättebra! Picnicken mitt på dan var över förväntan och jag som alltid är hungrig var mätt hela resan. Naturen var varierad och oftas mycket vacker! Hästaran var välskötta och friska och behandlades väl. Det ända negativa var ev att den häst jag fick var lite väl avancerad att ha på en lång tur. Det gick bra och var inte farligt eller obehagligt men behövde rida honom hela tiden för att hålla honom lungn. Han var het och hade mycket energi och kännlig mun.
Johanne L
Hej June, Stort tack för din förmedling av en fin ridtur, bra på alla sätt & duktiga & trevliga medryttare.Happy Trails!
Så er jeg vel hjemme fra Middelhavstrailen, og det har været en kæmpe oplevelse på mange planer.
Først og fremmest er det en udbyder der virkelig har erfaring og styr på tingene, hatten af for det, alt fungerede bare
Dernæst er det en trail hvor man hele tiden oplever nye landskaber og terræn, det bliver aldrig kedeligt eller monotont, man sidder hele tiden og venter spændt på hvad der dukker op omkring næste hjørne, og området har rigtig meget at byde på
Hestene var super, tempoet passende og der blev hele tiden lagt vægt på hestenes tarv, også selvom de virkelig måtte knokle, så havde de altid kræfter til endnu en galop.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastisk tur med skønne heste og et enormt smukt trail. Vores guide Corinna var imødekommende og god med hestene. Indkvarteringen var skøn og idyllisk og meget autentisk og maden var fantastisk. Turen kan helt sikkert anbefales!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Mycket trevlig resa med bra upplägg! Fantastisk guid och underbara hästar!
Simon R.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En fantastisk upplevelse som levde upp till mina förväntningar. Fina och välskötta hästar som de tog väldigt bra hand om. Spännande att komma till olika övernattningar varje kväll där vi togs emot väl och blev serverad god hemlagad mat.
Anette S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Wonderful nature, great horses that were obviously treated well, dedicated guide. Would recommend that Hippo Tours specify that it is not ideal as a "first trail", because it is quite demanding.
Mina S.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch:
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jag är supernöjd med resan, med allt. Det enda jag tänker är att det var lite väl mycket bergsridning och jag hade uppskattat något mer trav och galopp vissa dagar. Guiden Nicki var fantastisk, kunnig, en riktig hästkvinna, trevlig, proffsig och trygg på alla sätt och vänlig och rolig.
Anna E.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Turen var meget god. Topp mat og guide. Det bør muligens presiseres ytterligere at det ikke er en tur for nybegynnere - Der var noen som tydelig ikke hadde det lett underveis. De hadde heller ikke bestilt gjennom hippotours, men gjennom andra. Bra med pakkeråd og tips til reisen. Jeg vil gjerne ri med dere igjen!
En fantastiskt resa med utmanande ridning och underbara omgivningar. Riktigt bra hästar och en outstanding guide (Anais) samt trevliga medresenärer gav mig en oförglömlig semester. Perfekt för den som gillar att kombinera ridning och bad. Jag kommer sannolikt att återvända till Katalonien för att genomföra någon av deras andra trails! Som vanligt bra service från Hippotours, tack för all hjälp!
Ett fantastisk äventyr, en underbar upplevelse med en super professionell guide Elia o mycket välvårdade hästar med en ägare med stort horse man ship!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Dette var en fantastisk tur med med flott utsikt og vakker natur. Det var en krevende trail, men jeg synes det var topp å ri så mye. Vi gikk en del ned bratte skrenter og det er jeg glad for både for hestens skyld, men også var det utrolig godt å strekke på bein så en ikke ble så stiv av å sitte i salen. Hesten jeg hadde var helt super, ivrig og fremadgående. Alt var godt organisert og planlagt. Piknikkene vi hadde ute i det fri var herlig og deilig var det med en liten siesta. Jeg er strålende fornøyd. Det må sies dog at det er viktig å være i god form og ha gode rideferdigheter. Dette er ingen trail for nybegynnere.
Suzanne H.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastiska hästar, underbar natur, god mat och riktigt bra ridning! Det här är en trail som kräver både riderfarenhet och kondition men för den vane ryttaren är det här den ultimata semestern enligt mig. Välskötta hästar, det finns en häst för alla och känner du att du fått en häst du inte passar ihop med så får du byta, inga problem :) Pigg häst, erfaren häst, lugn häst, unghäst? Här finns något för alla! Omgivningarna är underbara och man får se något nytt varje dag. Skritt på stigar i vad som ser ut av vara en förtrollad skog varvas med galopp över ängar högt uppe på ett berg. Maten är traditionell katalansk mat, fantastiskt god och väldigt spännande att prova. Erfarna guider som är riktiga hästmänniskor, ständigt beredda att hjälpa till eller berätta historier om området man rider igenom. En trail som jag varmt rekommenderar! Väldigt bra service och hjälp från Hippo Tours, tack för att ni skickar mig på fantastiska äventyr!
Jag är mycket nöjd med min resa. Allt var fantastiskt - hästarna, maten, ridningen och guiden Denise. Visst var det utmanande när man tog sig fram på ställen man inte trodde var möjligt med häst men det var kombinationen av utmaningar, adrenalinkickar och lyckoruset över de fantastiska omgivningarna som gjorde det så speciellt.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Meget dyktig og erfaren guide. Flott natur og spreke og trygge hester!
Lena M.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Ridningen och hästarna var otroligt bra! Vår guide, Nicki, var väldigt duktig och trevlig. Vi hade otur med ett boende då varmvattnet tog slut och det sedan även blev ett missförstånd angående frukosten. Överlag är vi väldigt nöjda och inspirerade att göra fler ridresor.
Karin A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Min upplevelse av bandit trail är superbra! Fantastiska, välskötta hästar för alla typer av ryttare, underbar miljö med utsikter som tar andan ur en, mysigt boende och riktigt god mat. Trevliga, hjälpsamma och kunniga guider och medhjälpare, alltid måna om att gäster och hästar ska ha det så bra som möjligt. Kan varmt rekommendera en resa hit, det var dock lite för varmt så mitt tips är att åka i april/maj eller september/oktober istället för under sommaren! Jag kommer definitivt att återvända till Katalonien för fler ridresor! Tack Denise & Manuel för en underbar vecka och tack June för bra service som vanligt!
Erika O.
En fantastisk trail! Nacho och José såg till att vi var väl omhändertagna under hela veckan. Underbara miljöer och riktigt bra hästar precis som jag förväntade mig! Maten och boendet skiftade tyvärr något i kvalité. Kommer definitivt återvända till Katalonien i framtiden!
Hej June Vi har haft en fantastisk resa på Bandit Trail i pre Pyrenéerna. Mycket värde för pengarna! Boendet var helt fantastiskt och vi blev mycket väl omhändertagna. Bra mat! Vår guide hette Annais och hon var mycket duktig. Utsikten från hotellrummets fönster under två av övernattningarna var så slående att det nästan tog ut andan från oss.Min häst hette Llampec och var en grå andalusier. Han var mycket väluppfostrad och säker på foten. Han hade rejält med muskler, i mycket gott hull och verkade gilla livet. Han var inte trött trots 6 långa dagar i hård terräng.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Flott trail med mye variasjon. Vi klatret opp i bergene, red langs kysten, over eng, gjennom skog og landsbyer, på stranden. Spennende, herlig ritt. I mai blomstret det så vakkert og det var frodig og fint. Vakkert. Herlig ridning med mye variasjon. Supert. Herlig med piknik ute i det fri og deilig med siesta. Alt var vel organisert og planlagt. Flotte hester. Jeg er kjempe fornøyd med trailen.
Suzanne H.,
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jag hade en underbar vecka på Outlaw Trail! En fantastisk blandning av berg, skog, kust, mysiga byar och öppna fält. Relativt högt tempo och utmanande ridning, perfekt för den erfarne ryttaren! Trevliga och välskötta hästar som är otroligt säkra på foten och framåtbjudande. God mat och dryck med stor variation, många måltider med lokal inspiration. Vår guide Nacho hade en otrolig förmåga att matcha ryttare och häst. Ständigt med ett skämt eller ett gott råd att ge bidrog han till en fantastisk semester! Kan varmt rekommendera att åka till Katalonien i Oktober, vädret var perfekt för ridning.
Erika O.
Vil bare lige fortælle, at vi havde en fantastisk tur på Outlaw trailen i sidste uge :).
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Jag var jättenöjd med turen till Ammarnäs!! Guiden var supertrevlig och kunnig, hästarna fina, boendet var bra. Helt perfekt.
Åsa A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Christina A.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Iben S.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Marianne L.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Fint hotel og mad der. Fint ridetur Ikke så meget Hippotours :-) ift pris
Lene H.
Turridningen på Söderåsen var en skøn oplevelse, man følte sig meget velkommen. Maden var fantastisk og dejlige rideture ud i naturen med en yderst sød guide Anna, der tog hensyn til alle på turen. Vi kommer meget gerne igen!
June T
Nu er det en 14-dages tid siden jeg er kommet tilbage fra rejsen til Sameland og jeg kan ikke lade være med, at sende nogle gode tanker til dig og Hippotours.
Det var en helt og aldeles vidunderlig tur. Hestegården er toppen. Hestene af meget høj kvalitet og grundlaget for gode oplevelser var de to kompetente hestefolk Oswald og Rebecca.
Et væsentligt bidrag til at man ikke fik ondt i røven, hvilket jeg nok havde frygtet en kende, var de supergode franske tursadler vi red i (den bedste jeg, sammen med en galopsadel, til dato har redet i).
Og så er jeg så tindrende glad for at være kommet i gang med at ride igen (selvom 57 år ikke er nogen alder, når man er mig:).
Den islandske hest foldede sig så smukt ud; at denne lille (gudernes hest) i al sin enkelhed kommer til udtryk med så stor kapacitet er betagende!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Superfin tur med exklusiv känsla då vi var en liten grupp som färdades i vida oexploaterade fjäll med en engagerad sameguide som lärde oss mycket om livet runt Ammarnäs.
Frida L.
Fantastiskt, överträffade mina förväntningar trots att de var mycket höga!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En fantastisk resa! Särskilt med tanke på att jag hade noll riderfarenhet så gick det väldigt bra.
Andreas R.
För en som jag som älskar fjällvandring på sommaren/hösten och älskar hästar var den här resan perfekt. Man fick helt enkelt det bästa av båda världar. Väldigt fina, stabila och trygga hästar och en underbar natur. Jag hade inte kunnat haft det bättre!
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Dejlig tur men kunne godt have brugt lidt mere tid på Rusthållargården. Så hvis rideturen lørdag havde været om formiddagen havde det været perfekt
Anita B.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
We really had a very very good nice weekend. Very good horses- very sweet and qualified riding guide.
Bedst regards from Yvonne
Dejlig weekend i fantastisk natur med søde rolige heste. Første dag var der en del begyndere med som gjorde at turen blev mere stille end forventet, men anden dagen var alle på samme niveau og der blev mulighed for også at gallopere.
Vi har haft en skøn tur til Kullen, alt var bare i orden. Super service, super mad, super heste, super guide, super landskab og heldige os, også super vejr.
Liselotte og Allan
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food:
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Fantastic concept and absolutely fantastic horses. My daughter and I really enjoyed the stay and Kvika and Glöd were so nice. Wonderful nature and a nice house with the horses close by. Hug recommendation and we will come back
Sofie R.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food:
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Super tur - kan helt sikkert anbefales, vi gør det helt sikkert gerne igen 5 🏆👌👌🐴
Pia S.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 3
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 3
In the reception we were told to hurry back to talk to a horse-instructor, but when we got there we had to wait for more than an hour. That could have been better coordinated. Also there was an error with the booking, so we only had the horses three days, but the reception fixed that immediately. The horse guides were super friendly and helpful! They gave us all the information we needed. Some of that could have been imparted to us by the reception, which would have saved some confusion. The horses were lovely and had just the temperaments we were looking for. The area is wonderful to ride in. We will definitely be coming back!
Trine R.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food:
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Super trip. Very nice cabbin and 4 excellent horses. It was so nice to have our own horses in a pen next to our cabbin. Excellent ridning
Birgitte B.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Maten de första dagarna i Camp Davidson var underbart god, lagad av kocken Maria. Tyvärr hölls inte samma mått i Botswana. Därav endast en 4.a Jag blev dock väldigt fint uppvaktad på min födelsedag med både bubbel, tårta och sång.
Eva K.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Helt fantastisk tur - det blev lidt hårdere end beregnet da vi blev opgraderet til Tuli explorer - men det var det ømme knæ og ryg værd - jeg er gået I skarp træning til næste tur og har allerede påbegyndt en opsparing :-) BEDSTE ferie ever - TAK June
Det har været en skøn tur til Sydafrika og Botswana og det var langt over forventning.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Anja S. D.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Magnus W.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Jeg har haft en fantastisk tur - en drømmerejse, som har givet mig mange sublime oplevelser, som jeg aldrig vil glemme. Hestene og stedet var excellent. At se dyreriget, fauna rundt om i verden på hesteryg er en rejseform, som sætter sig i sind og sjæl. Det er ikke sidste gang jeg vil se rejse med jer.
Charlotte Q,
I had a great time at the ranch. Everyone was very nice and welcoming and made an effort for us all to have a go at the things we wanted to try. The outrides were great and we saw zebras, giraffes and many other animals - some very closely. Polocrosse was a personal favourite and something I had never tried before though cross country jumping on Spearchucker was also great fun. I hope to be back on the ranch again some time :)
Hej June. Jeg har lige evalueret, og det blev til lutter 5-taller. Det er smukt og fredeligt, personalet er utrolig søde og hjælpsomme - især vil vi fremhæve en af guiderne, Shingi (?), som vi red med flest gange og som gav os mange oplevelser på hesteryg. Maden er vidunderlig - og rigelig!! - værelserne, som er små stenhuse, yndige og ikke mindst er hestene rigtig gode.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Helt fantastisk resa! Jag hade höga förväntningar - de överträffades.
Anna S.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4:
Det enda negativa var att min transfer från gården till flyget hem igen inte kom i tid eftersom den anlitade chauffören ”fastnat i trafiken” , det får inte hända. Det var nära att jag missade mitt flyg. Det löste sig genom att en ur gårdens egna personal fick hasta sig iväg med oss till flyget (stort tack till Cecile och Domiso för att ni löste det snabbt!). Annars överträffade resan alla mina förväntningar! Standarden med bush living passade mig perfekt. Trevliga och omskötta hästar, det fanns hästar att välja på som passade allas behov. Kunniga guider som kan lära ut massor! Imponerad av Ceciles drivkraft att hålla ihop allt. Mycket bra mat!
Helen D.
Score: 4,88
As always the advertisement was a little more glamourous than reality. We didn''t have so many long canters, because of big holes in the ground and of respect for the wild animals. We didn''t come so close to the animals because they were not used to horses yet in this area, but except from that and some changed plans according to weather it was overwhelming nice. Good horses and saddles and best natureguide. Good caring for the guests and lots of beautiful animals. Luxurious lodges. But I preferred the camp. It was beautiful.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
En fantastisk helhetsupplevelse! Att på hästryggen få uppleva kontakten med Afrikas djur och natur är starkt . Med alla sinnen vidöppna och med fullständig närvaron i nuet blir det också en inre resa. Genom vår fantastiska guide Lloyd fick vi inte bara ta del av hans rika kunskap om djur och natur, utan också en inblick i afrikanska värderingar och kultur. Den värme och omtanke personalen visade förstärkte känslan av att befinna sig långt borta från vår vardag. Men det allra bästa- hästarna!!! Harmoniska, coola, med mycket energi och "gåglädje". Tack!
Lisbeth P.
Det var alle tiders fantastiske tur. Naturen er helt ubeskrivelig.
Ridt ad små stier mellem sandstenene, klatring op og ned af bjerge både til hest og til fods, ridt af smalle stier med bratte fald på begge sider og ridt i smukke grønne dale. Mange steder skulle man tro, at det var umuligt at ride, men det vidste hestene åbenbart ikke. Lækre lange tempofyldte, men kontrollerede galopper, den længste var på ca. 10 min. Nogle af galopperne var op og ned af bakke og af små snoede stier mellem træerne, det var super sjovt.
How was the reception: 3
How was the instruction: 3
How was the accommodation: 3
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 4
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 5 Det var en rigtig skøn tur i virkelig smukke omgivelser med gode lange strækninger til en galop eller travetur. Hestene var godt fremadgående og let-lyttende til rytternes signaler. Sabina lavede helt fantastisk mad på gården til os af lokale råvarer - jeg vil faktisk tro det hele kan beskrives som biodynamisk. Smagfuldt og lækkert. Jeg boede på nabogården og det fungerede rigtig godt. Der var ro om natten, mens flere af de andre gæster som boede på hotellet i den nærliggende by, fortalte at de ikke kunne sove ordentligt pga. larm fra biler tidlig morgen ... Vi var i sadlen cirka 6 timer hver dag og red i en ny retning hver dag. Den ene dag spiste vi frokost på en lokal herregård, der havde dannet laden om til café. De serverede lækre boghvedepandekager eksempelvis med ost og skinke :-) Blot en lille hilsen.
Anne S. M.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
We had a fantastic trip, we have only one thing we would like to have had information about before the trip and it was that there was no mobile network and WiFi and we could not pay with Visa cards in the resturant. It was impossible to simply send a text message, and that we had not pre-ridden our family around this was a little annoying, it had not been a problem if only we had known it before the trip
Mona L.
Vi havde en helt fantastisk forlænget weekend - stor ros til personalet (og hestene) dernede, der virkelig gjorde, at vores ophold bliver et skønt minde, og det er bestemt en rejseform vi vil benytte igen!
Vi har været på Mecklenburg turen sidste weekend i September. Turen var fantastisk. Vi havde aldrig før stiftet bekendtskab med hesteracen ”Criollos” men vi blev taget med storm. Turene var varieret, tempoet var frisk og vores rideguide Silke var alle tiders.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 2
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Benedikte N. A.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hotelejere var til surprice bryllup, så der var ikke mad, da vi kom kl 11:30. Vi havde spist kl 8:00, så vi var meget sultne, da det blev kagetid på ridestedet kl 17:00. De undskyldte mange gange, men det havde været en god ide, at give os besked, så kunne vi have købt noget på vejen. Ellers var alt andet rigtig godt
Ditte Marie P.
Hestene er ubeskrivelige, sensible, hurtige. intelligente, vidunderlige at ride. Programmet er afvekslende, individuelt. Guiden rigtig god, godt humør, elsker sine heste og arbejder med rytterne med omtanke. Skønt hotel, individuelt og super venligt. Forplejningen alt for god, ønsker blev imødekommet og der var også god mad for vegetarer
Det var en fantastisk resa, vi välkomnades på hotellet med ett leende och bemötande personal. Gården hade 18 hästar, vi kännda att de älskade var och en. De vårdas med omsorg så att de var riktigt fina. Allt har levt upp till mina förväntningar och mer, inte sista gången jag drar på ridresa!.
How was the reception: 2
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Hotelejere var til surprice bryllup, så der var ikke mad, da vi kom kl 11:30. Vi havde spist kl 8:00, så vi var meget sultne, da det blev kagetid på ridestedet kl 17:00. De undskyldte mange gange, men det havde været en god ide, at give os besked, så kunne vi have købt noget på vejen. Ellers var alt andet rigtig godt
Ditte M.
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Tusen tack åt June och Tom för hjälpen att fixa en härlig resa för min mamma! :)
Miikka K.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accommodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
This was really a 5 star experience. Also many great activities for non riders. The best food i have ever had in usa. Good solid homemade farmer food. Excellent horses. Nice and very helpful staff. Luxurious facilities.
Ulla T.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 3
Did the tour meet your expectations: 4
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Utrolig dejlig ranch og flotte værelser. Dejlige autentiske omgivelser som gjorde at man kunne tænke tilbage på "Bonanza" og alle film med John Wayne - det var nemt at forstille sig alle cowboyer og indianere. Selve rideturen var dog lidt skuffende. Når man inden turen skal skrive om man er nybegynder eller øvet eller midt imellem, havde vi regnet med at vi også blev opdelt herefter men desværre nej. Det var kedeligt at skulle være med på de ture hvor det bare gik helt UTROLIGT langsomt - havde håbet på at vi skulle ride i grupper med nogle færre ryttere ad gangen, og ikke bare efter hinanden i en lang linie. Ellers var alt perfekt.
Jonna B. M.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 5
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
4 gang vi holdt ferie på WS ranch, og som altid 100 % i top.
Vi har haft den bedste ferie i USA for alle. Både ryttere og ikke ryttere!
Det var en oplevelse at ride mellem kaktusser og klapperslanger! Ikke rytterne blev så gode, at de allerede 1. dag med en lektion, kunne ride med på fast tracks, hvilket de syntes var fantastisk (skridt og galop). Og som samlet familie til hest deltog vi også i teampenning som hold, hvor vi skulle udskille tre kalve fra en større flok og drive dem ind i en anden fold. Det syntes alle var sjovt. Vi havde et fantastisk morgenmadsridt, efterfulgt af et ridt op i Suguaro nationalparken, vi havde et meget flot sun set ridt, og jeg fik også et mountain ridt. Der udover mange slow og fast tracks ture.
Hejsan En fantastisk ridsemester. Bra service, fint boende, fantastisk natur, tåliga och vänliga hästar.
Vi hade en fantastisk resa!
Så nöjda att vi redan på hemvägen längtade tillbaka igen. Vi kommer aldrig mer åka på något annat ställe på semester än till Arizona på ranchsemester. Träffade underbara människor & kände oss i goda händer före och under hela resan.
Så glad jag hittade redan via er!
How was the reception: 4
How was the instruction: 5
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 5
The standard of the ranch: 5
The quality of the riding: 5
Did the tour meet your expectations: 5
The service from Hippo Tours: 5
Det eneste det sted mangler er, at der burde blive bygget et udendørs loungeområde med bløde stole, hvor man kan lægge benene op - og nyde den skønne udsigt, mens man restituerer fra rideturen.
I loved every minute of our ranch vacation. The wrangler we had (Kaitylin) was amazing, the horses were fun and the food was excellent. Improvment suggestions: Bonfire to gather around at nigth, a place to buy a beer, a snack at nigth and more interaction with the horses. I personally wish we could be a part of gathering the horses in the morning and making them ready for the day. Also I would have loved to take care of my horse after the ride.
How was the reception: 5
How was the instruction: 4
How was the accomodation: 4
How was the food: 4
The standard of the ranch: 4
The quality of the riding: 2
Did the tour meet your expectations: 2
The service from Hippo Tours: 4
Hej! Anledning till de lägre siffrorna var att grupp var större än vad som utlovats, med konsekvenser som långa väntetider, många oerfarna ryttare, lågt tempo i alltför långa sessioner. Blev bättre de gånger som gruppen delades. Räknade till 24 gäster + instruktörer. Vilket blev över 30 personer i en grupp, med många justeringsstopp och svårt att höra vad som var på gång om man låg längst bak. Detta stod inte i Hippos Resebeskrivning!!
Gunlis K.
Tough trip for a 65+ person, but rewarding and interesting. Horses were very good, and the staff was excellent. A very valuable experience, not the least meeting and getting to know Americans from many states. I am so very pleased I took this trip.
Det er uden tvivl min bedste ferie nogensinde. Indkvarteringen var
selvfølgelig meget primitiv, men det var jeg fuldt ud indstillet på.
Jeg har haft en helt fantastisk tur med mega smuk natur, super gode heste og rigtig søde deltagere / personale. Kan anbefale turen på det varmeste.